I have not added a blog entry for awhile because I am locked away in a dark room in Phoenix where it has been over 105 degrees each day with about 3% humidity. We have been slaving 12 hours a day to bring you all the story of St. Paul. Janet and I have been in the edit bay at Skyline Productions working with our great friend and video/DVD producer Joe Reynolds. We are editing 5 weeks of filming down to 90 minutes on DVD. It'll be a great adventure.

The story of Paul, Contending for the Faith goes as follows:
Chapter 1: “Hebrew of Hebrews” from Tarsus to Jerusalem to the death of Stephen.
Chapter 2: “Chosen by God” from Damascus to Arabia to Antioch
Chapter 3: “Running the Race” through Antioch, Neopolis Philippi, Thessalonica, 
                  Beroea, Athens, Corinth and Ephesus.
Chapter 4: “Contending onto Death” from Caesarea to Rome showing the Mamertine
                  Prison, the place of his beheading, the catacombs, his tomb and more.

I fall off a horse, get bit by a snake, flounder in the sea on driftwood, demonstrate a stoning, ride a scooter through Tarsus, sit on an ancient Roman toilet, get “raptured to heaven“ 🙂 and more fun stuff. This project is tough, but we are still having way to much fun. Thanks to Ignatius Press for making this series possible and for their untiring and enthusiastic support. Keep this project and us humble servants in your prayers.
