About the Bible
- Archaeology: The Stones Cry Out (This Rock Magazine)
- Bereans: Did the Noble-minded Bereans Believe in the Bible Alone?
- Bible Studies: What About Non-denominational, Ecumenical Bible Studies?
- Bible Study Software: St. Francis de Sales Would be Delighted!
- Bible Study Tools: Where’s that $%&@$ Hammer?
- Bible Study: Be Sherlock Holmes and See if this a Real Catholic Bible Study
- Bible Study: How to Start a Parish Bible Study
- Bible Study: Playground or Minefield? Why We Need the Church!
- Bible Translation Bias
- Bible Translations: All Created Equal? Protestant Bias of the NIV? Study of the Word Tradition
- Bible Verses Defined by the Church
- Bible Verses Missing from Modern Bibles?
- Bible: The Full but Neglected Backpack: What Catholics Need to Know about Scripture
- Bible’s Canon: Do Protestants or Catholics have the Correct List of Books?
- Canon of the Old Testament – Catholic or Protestant Collection?
- Catholics Reading Scripture
- Cross, People at the Foot of the Cross
- Did the Wise Men Meet the Shepherds?
- Easter Timeline
- History of the Bible Chart
- Holy Ground as published in Lay Witness Magazine
- How Long was Jesus in the Tomb? Three Days and Three Nights?
- How Long Was Jesus on the Cross?
- Jamnia and the Canon of the Old Testament
- Jesus Was a Jew: Understanding Jesus & the New Testament in Context
- Jesus Was a Jew: Understanding Jesus and the New Testament
- New Testament Books: Self-authenticating? No Need for the Church to Close the Canon?
- Notes on Matthias
- Questions for Bible-Christians (that they can’t answer)
- Resurrection Appearances of Jesus
- Six Biblical Myths Debunked – Updated
- Talk Notes: Circumcision & Uncircumcision
- Thorn in the Flesh, Paul’s Messenger from Satan
- Timeline Apostolic Fathers
- Timeline of Holy Week
- Timeline of Holy Week 2
- Timeline of St. Paul’s Life and Writings
- Timeline of the First Christian Century
- Translations of the Bible, Which One Should I Use?
- Who Chose Books of the Bible? Are the Books Self-Authenticating?
Intro to New Testament Books
- Matthew’s Gospel: Understanding the Tax Collector and his Gospel
- Mark’s Gospel: Peter’s Scribe Writes to the Romans
- Luke’s Gospel: Greek Physician, Historian, & Friend of Mary
- John’s Gospel: The Spiritual Gospel from the Eagle
- Acts of the Apostles: Birth of the Church
- Romans: Justified by the Obedience of Faith
- 1 Corinthians: Standing Firm in a Pagan Culture
- 2 Corinthians: Paul Bear’s His Soul
- Galatians: the Heart of Paul’s Gospel to the Gentiles
- Ephesians: The Body of Christ-both Jew and Gentile
- Philippians: Joy and Rejoicing with St. Paul
- Colossians: Christ the Head of the Church
- 1 Thessalonians: The 2nd Coming of Christ
- 2 Thessalonians: Correcting False Teaching on Christ’s Return
- 1 Timothy: Paul’s Loyal Convert and Fellow-worker
- 2 Timothy: Last Words of Paul Written from Mammertine Prison
- Titus: Organizing the Early Church
- Philemon: A Slave Set Free in Christ
Theology and Apologetics
- “Chair of Moses – Chair of Peter” – A discussion with a Protestant
- “Who Do You Say That I Am?”
- 33,000 Denominations is Too Many
- Abortion: Should this Baby be Aborted? You Decide!
- Absent from the Body = Present with the Lord?
- Ankerberg’s Book: Refuting Evangelicals & Catholics: Do They Now Agree?
- Atheism, You are a Detective
- Baptism: Do Sacraments Need Digestive Juices? Is Faith Required?
- Baptism: Infant Baptism
- Baptism: Pastor Bob Preaches the Word
- Baptist at the Door: Are you Saved?
- Baptist in a Bookstore
- Baptist Ordinations: What’s That All About?
- Baptists, were you right to leave the Catholic Church?
- Bereans and Sola Scriptura
- Bible: Who has the Correct Collection of Books, Catholics, or Protestants?
- Born Again? Are Catholics Born Again? You Betcha!
- Call No Man Father
- Carta a un Fundamentalista
- Catholic Doctrine in Scripture: 84 pages
- Catholic: What does the Word Mean?
- Catholics & the Covenants
- Chair of Peter – Chair of Moses
- Charles Stanley and Eternal Security
- Communion of Saints: Quotes, Bible Verses, & Resources
- Cross vs. Crucifix: A Biblical, Historical, and Theological Study
- Crucifix & Mass: What Does God See When He Opens Eyes?
- Crucifixion: Was Jesus Crucified Naked?
- Did Paul Pray for the Dead?
- Dispensationalism, Why Protestants are Wrong
- Episcopalian ‘Priest,’ A Response to
- Eucharist and Mass – Steve’s Thorough Explanation to a Fundamentalist Protestant
- Eucharist as Seen by the Early Church Fathers
- Eucharist in the Fathers
- Eucharist, Who Says the Mass is a Sacrifice?
- Faith Alone and Abraham: How Was Abraham Saved?
- Feeding the Five Thousand: Jesus Teaches the People to Share
- Homosexuality and Jesus
- Homosexuality: In Animals and in Human Genes?
- Homosexuality: Was Jesus a Homosexual? Some say Yes
- Infallibility: Ex Cathedra – From the Chair
- Infallibility: Must One be Sinless to be Infallible?
- Infallibility: Must the Church First be Perfect? Scripture & Church Authority
- Infant Baptism
- Inventing Doctrines: Why Do Protestants Do It?
- Is A Pope Beyond Criticism?
- Is Faith Alone the Basis for the Final Judgement?
- James Brother of Our Lord: James son of Alphaeus
- Jesus – How Big in Mary’s Womb at Visitation
- Jesus Was A Jew – What is That To You?
- John 3:16: Does it Teach Salvation by Faith Alone?
- Joseph, Was He the Father of Jesus?
- King David: Where was he Buried? What is the City of David?
- Law of Moses or Sermon on the Mount: What Law Does the Christian Obey?
- Law, Grace & the Sabbath: Explaining Law & Grace to a Baptist Friend
- Letter After Visit by Baptists with Pastor Don: Reading the Bible, Salvation, and Do they Know the Truth?
- Letter to an Anti-Catholic Fundamentalist
- Letter to Fundamentalist Opposing Catholics & Info on Being Sealed by the Holy Spirit
- Letters to an Anti-Catholic Fundamentalist – Bill Jackson
- Loaves & Fishes: Did Jesus Really Do a Miracle
- Love First Used in the Bible
- Mary Needed a Savior – Was She a Sinner?
- Mary, Ark of the New Covenant – Answering Objections
- Mary, Ark of the New Covenant – revised
- Mary, Ark of the New Covenant in the Fathers
- Mary, Saints, Worship, and Salvation: Do Catholics Worship Mary?
- Mary: Do Catholics Worship Mary?
- Mary: Does the Prophet Jeremiah Condemn Catholics for Worshiping the Queen of Heaven?
- Mary: Jesus Said His Mother had Other Sons? Really?
- Mary: Queen or Bride in Psalm 45
- Mary: Response to Criticism of the Assumption & Queenship of Mary
- Mary’s Sorrows Known and Unknown
- Mary’s Virginity: How Was Jesus Born? Miraculous Birth?
- Mass a Sacrifice – Talk notes
- Mass a Sacrifice?
- Mass, A Short Primer
- Pentecost: Mary and the Other Body of Christ
- Peter and Succession: the Peg of Isaiah 22
- Peter in the New Testament
- Peter: Was the Rock Really Peter or only his Confession of Faith? Answering an Orthodox Christian
- Prayer for the Dead: Did St. Paul Do This?
- Protestant Groups: Are they Schisms?
- Purgatory
- Sabbath, Wheat and the Pharisees
- Sacrament Chart: Easy-to-use Sacrament Chart from Bible and Catechism
- Sacrifice of the Mass: Re-crucifying Christ?
- Shepherds & Wise Men
- Ship and Rafts: Catholics and Protestants
- Sign of the Cross: It’s Meaning and History
- Six Rules for Dealing with Non-Catholic Family & Friends
- Steve’s Conversion Story with Pictures
- Sunday Morning Mass
- This Rock Magazine Ankerberg Aweigh 7/1996
- This Rock Magazine: John 3:16 and Eternal Security 9/1995
- This Rock Magazine: Should We Call Joseph the Father of Jesus? 3/2005
- This Rock Magazine: What Does Catholic Mean? 1/2005
- This Rock Magazine: Why the Bereans Rejected Sola Scriptura 3/1997
- Tomb is Empty: Visiting the Holy Sepulchre Today
- Trail of Blood: What About Baptist Successionism?
- Unanimous Consent of the Fathers
- Vegans
- Was Jesus Crucified Naked or Clothed?
- Was Jesus Nice?
- What My Grandpa Said About the Pope: Wonderful Dialog!
- Why We Need a Church – short
- Why Were Catholics Leaving to Join the Baptists?
- Witnesses to the Resurrection of Christ – How Many
- Witnessing for Christ: Are you Prepared to be a Martyr?
My Books, Talks & DVDs: Reviews and Defense
- Bereans-Steve Ray, James White and William Putnam
- Catholic Legends 1: Steve Responds to James White about UPON THIS ROCK
- Catholic Legends 2: I Got Under White’s Skin: 2nd Response about UPON THIS ROCK
- Chair of Moses: Dave Armstrong Refutes James White and Defends Upon this Rock
- Crossing the Tiber 1: Steve Responds to a Review by Fundamentalist Bayack
- Crossing the Tiber 2: Steve Responds to Pastor Bayack Who Strikes Again
- Crossing the Tiber 3: Dave Armstrong Refutes Pastor Bayack on Mary, Tradition & Scripture
- Crossing the Tiber 4: Armstrong Teaches Bayack on Mary’s Perpetual Virginity and the Protestant Reformers
- Crossing the Tiber Review from Tyler, TX
- Defending my Article on Israel in National Catholic Register 8/2006
- DVD Lesson Plan – Jesus
- DVD Lesson Plan – Mary
- DVD Lesson Plan – Moses
- DVD Lesson Plan – Peter
- DVD Lesson Plan – Paul: Contending for the Faith
- DVD Study Guide- Abraham
- DVD Study Guide- Apostolic Fathers
- DVD Study Guide – David and Solomon
- DVD Study Guide – Elijah and Elisha
- DVD Study Guide – Jesus
- DVD Study Guide – Mary
- DVD Study Guide – Moses
- DVD Study Guide – Paul (Spanish)
- DVD Study Guide – Peter
- DVD Study Guide – St. Paul
- Faith Magazine: For Stephen Ray is an Adventure
- First Things Magazine Their Dishonest Article & my Responses
- Is the Swan’s Song in Tune? Is Luther Quoted Wrongly in Crossing the Tiber?
- Jerusalem Panoramic Pictures
- Mary, Mother of God: Was she from the Priestly Line?
- Night on the Sea of Galilee
- Papacy: A Fair Review and My Response to Two Criticisms
- Raising Catholic Families
- Steve’s Prepared Conference Talks
- Steve’s Retired Bishop’s Endorsement
- The Bible and the Quran – Steve’s Introduction
- Twenty-one Questions to Ask Before Going on Pilgrimage
- Upon this Rock Defended Against Mathison in his book The Shape of Sola Scriptura
- Upon this Rock: Reviewed by Catholics United for the Faith (CUF)
- Upon this Rock: Reviewed by National Catholic Register
- Webster Stumbles “Upon this Rock” my book on the papacy – here he is soundly refuted
- Webster Stumbles Upon this Rock 3: He is Wrong on St. Augustine too
- Webster Stumbles Upon this Rock 4: He is Wrong on St. Chrysostom too
- Webster Stumbles Upon this Rock: David Palm Responds
- Webster: Steve’s 17-part Response to Webster’s
- Whelton, Basil & my book Upon this Rock
- Whelton, Chrysostom & my book Upon this Rock
General Topics
- Annulments
- Baptism: Name of Jesus or Trinity?
- Birds/Animals Seen at our House
- Catholic Church and its 23 Rites
- Children and Discipline
- Cross, People at the Foot of the Cross
- DeSales Luther & Councils pg. 155
- Encountering Christ in the Holy Land – Steve explains importance of the Holy Land
- Filipino People: An Open Letter by Steve Ray
- Genuflecting a No-No?
- Healthy Foods Chart
- Hizbullah’s Tactics – Videos
- Humor and Sarcasm in the Bible
- Ignatius of Antioch: Excerpts from Upon this Rock
- Letter to My Teenage Son
- Maria Faustina and the Divine Mercy: Short Biography and History
- Maximillian Kolbe the Martyr and Auschwitz
- Memories of Al Kresta by Steve Ray (rough draft of NCR article)
- Michigan Catholic Voter’s Guide
- Niepokalanow, Poland: Saint Maximilian Kolbe’s “City of the Immaculata”
- Order Form
- Paul’s Road to Damascus (Maps)
- People at the Foot of the Cross
- Roman Martyrs
- Rome Advice
- Six Rules for Dealing with Non-Catholic Family & Friends
- St. Polycarp: His Life & Writings
- Star of David
- Steve Wood’s Review of Mary Mother of God
- Tag Categories for Logos (Verbum) Collections
- Tents and Camping in the Bible
- The Birds, the Temple and the Pilgrims
- The Last Nightmare: A Terrifying Story of the End
- Was Jesus Crucified Naked?
- What is Wrong with this Picture of Mary?