Jimmy Akin on our back porch with my grandson Dominic Brown.
They are both enjoying their pipes.
If you've never met Jimmy Akin in person, you have missed a treat. You certainly know him from his work with Catholic Answers, especially with his many weekly appearances on Catholic Answers Live. If you've only heard him you probably have the same reaction I had, WOW, what a marvelous mind and who else knows apologetics and theology like this guy? Yeah, and when you meet him in person you have the same question but you also find out he is a delightful friend and marvelously humble and gentle soul.
Last week Jimmy arrived at our house after three days screaming across the country on Amtrack from San Diego to Ann Arbor Michigan. He arrived in cowboy boots, black leather vest, jeans and his cowboy hat. He was downright thin compared to a year ago (you can view all his diet info on his blog). We were so proud of him and so happy to have him stay in our home. We had a group of theologians over for four full days to study Galatians and Romans, with Jimmy leading the study. What a delightful time! It was all recorded and will be edited and eventually offered as a product here on my website and at Catholic Answers.
And if you've ever wondered who is the best and brightest apologist in the country today, you better put Jimmy right up at the top of your list. He is the best and my wife Janet and I are privileged to count him as a friend. You should visit his websites at www.jimmyakin.com and www.jimmyakin.org. Oh, and by the way, he loves Monk too. Oh, one more thing, to read Jimmy's account of the week, visit his blog at www.jimmyakin.org.