Ignatius Press prepares for 100th anniversary of Fatima with a historic pilgrimage and new release

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Contact: Rose Trabbic, Publicist, Ignatius Press, (239) 867-4180 or rose@ignatius.com

Ignatius Press prepares for 100th anniversary of Fatima with a historic pilgrimage and new release San Francisco, November 21, 2016 – The long-awaited 100th anniversary of the appearances of Our Lady at Fatima in 1917 is around the corner, and Ignatius Press has exciting plans to help the faithful prepare for this historic year.

(If these dates don’t work for you, we have another trip going in November with Arbishop Lucas of Omaha NE and Spirit Catholic Radio.)

Next year is the time to visit and celebrate this famous Marian apparition. Ignatius Press, in conjunction with Steve and Janet Ray, will be leading a very special pilgrimage to celebrate this amazing and historical visit of our Blessed Mother at Fatima from May 16-25, 2017.

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Steve and Janet Ray are well-known for their inspiring pilgrimages, dynamic sense of adventure, and travel expertise. Guest speakers will include leading Fatima expert Fr. Andrew Apostoli, C.F.R, Mark Brumley, President of Ignatius Press, and Fr. Mark Mary of EWTN.

On this pilgrimage, travelers will experience the beauty, faith and cultures of Portugal, Spain and France. Pilgrims will visit Fatima and experience the quaint ambiance of the village as it was 100 years ago. Today pilgrims walk through the narrow streets, see the thatched roofs and visit the homes and church of the children.

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The sites where the angels and the Blessed Mother appeared are maintained in there pristine condition which elicits prayer and meditation. Masses and processions are held daily at the very place that 70,000 people looked up and saw the sun dance. One steps back in time as they walk in the footprints of the children and pray at the places of the apparitions.

Pilgrims will also visit Santiago de Compostela and Lourdes, among other sites. Also exciting will be the visit to Loyola in Spain which is the city of Saint Ignatius of Loyola. Throughout the pilgrimage, the best hotels and finest dining will be provided, along with inspiring talks about the Catholic faith.

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Daily Mass will be celebrated by Fr. Andrew Apostoli and Fr. Mark Mary each day at the most sacred sites as pilgrims are immersed in some of the most visited Marian shrines in the world.

To learn more about this once in a lifetime pilgrimage or to reserve your spot, please visit: https://www.footprintsofgodpilgrimages.com/pilgrimage/fatima-santiago-loyola-lourdes-with-ignatius-press-and-fatima-expert-fr-apostoli/

Ignatius Press will also be publishing a great new book on Fatima, a gorgeous new photobook called Fatima Mysteries: Mary’s Message to the Modern Age. This book is compiled by the renowned author-photographer team of

Grzegorz Górny and Januzs Rosikon, who have traveled throughout Europe to investigate the story of Fatima and its impact on the destiny of both individuals and nations. With stunningly beautiful four-color photographs on every page, and in-depth detail and insights on all aspects of the story and message of Fatima, they probe the mysteries of Fatima and their continued relevance for our modern age. For those who can’t travel to Fatima for the 100th anniversary, this dazzling photobook will transport them to the heart and message of Our Lady of Fatima.

If these dates don’t work for you, we have another trip going in November with Arbishop Lucas of Omaha NE and Spirit Catholic Radio.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Tom Govern

    Don’t miss going with Steve and Janet. I was there and in Avila and Lourdes with them and the experience was fantastic. This will be a very special opportunity.

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