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Now that my daughter and her husband Wes have received the new baby and begun to learn the fine art of changing diapers and bathing such a precious human life, she has taken the time to write the story of the incredible experience.

We were able to “live through it” with them though the marvelous technology we did not have when our kids were born–videos, pictures, and Facetime. I hope you enjoy their story and the pictures as much as we did (and do).

The birth and adoption story of baby Charlie
Monday, January 23, 2017

Meet charlie
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“I’ve been really excited to write down and share the birth and adoption story of our new baby son. It’s long, I apologize, but it was such a beautiful experience and I just can’t leave out good details!   We have a son. A perfectly healthy and beautiful son with a head full of shiny brown hair and sparkling gray/blue eyes.

He is sound asleep on me right now, all wrapped up in a baby wrap pressed up against my chest, making cute little noises with each breath.

My heart melts a little more each time I feel his little lungs rise with air. My nose is constantly pressed up against his head so I can smell him and kiss him. I can’t believe I’m his mom and Wes is his dad. We are literally overwhelmed with so many emotions and so much awe.

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“We got to Florida Monday the 9th in the afternoon and took the birth mom to dinner. (We are staying pretty private about the birth family to respect them and also to respect Charlie’s history. It’s knowledge for him to cherish, and not for everyone to know all about).

I spent most of the day Tuesday and Wednesday with birth mom. We had such a special time and really bonded even more. The love and respect that I have for her is indescribable. She is my hero. I only hope that one day I can be as selfless as she is…

For the whole story visit Charlotte’s Finding Baby Sorrill website.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Tom Govern

    God bless all in this blessed event, especially Charlie!

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