After watching him on Fox News a good number of times over the years, I can’t say I’m surprised.
He was always disappointing on Fox News and I always thought they could get a better representative of the Catholic Faith.
Too bad when the Church is already in a crisis period that we have a well-known priest do something like this. One wonders how much of this goes back to the corrupt seed of their founder and the manipulation used by the Legion to strong arm young men into the Legion and the priesthood.
This Post Has 10 Comments
STEVE RAY HERE: I could have deleted this comment but thought it better to allow it so authentic Catholics can see what we are up against. We’ve always known there would be enemies from without and from within. I love it when “Catholics” prove the fact since it helps open eyes that we are in big trouble. But fear not, the truth will prevail.
Thanks Tones! Couldn’t have made my point more profoundly! Pray for him folks.
Steve, I'm really surprised at your attitude to this situation. You don't like Pope Francis's efforts to make the Catholic Church a more concerned and caring church to the world. You then denigrate this young man because he has made this difficult decision. Only God knows the secrets of the heart. The church is in crisis because the old guard have been found out and will not move with the spirit. The abuse crisis shows what happens when we get caught up in earthly things. The Lord is trying to do a new thing in the church. I thought that was why you had given up your Baptist background and joined the one true Church. So that you could be part of something new and life giving.
I am wondering what exactly TONES means when he says the Lord is trying to do something “new” and “life-giving” with the Church. I thought that public revelation was completed with Jesus’ Ascension and the Church is living out that revelation, just deepening the understanding. Jesus is not starting a new movement in the 21st century–what He gave us in the 1st century works just fine.
Tones is playing a game of “Gotcha!” Again.
“The gates of hell shall not prevail” said by Christ to Peter and HIS words are forever. Man is without doubt a fallen corruptible creation of which G-D knows far better then HIS creation. Yes our church is and has been under attack from the outside and within however It will be corrected in a continuous way. If you are in wonder as to how all these problems have occurred a small piece of information can be found in the book AA-1025. You will have better insight into the workings of the evil one and his efforts to destroy ALL souls.
Preach the Gospel in season and out of season! People who thinks that the Church can change, well you will just be disappointed. The clergy cannot make things up along the way, they are there to hand over what has been handed down to them by the Apostles! Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever!
Hello Steve, I was very surprised when I heard this news and decided to ask Al Kresta for his insights on this matter. Here's what he replied:
Dear Anonymous,
Thanks for writing. Fr. Morris is a close friend and relative to a few of my friends. I, however, have only met him once and interviewed him once by phone. When I learned of his decision to appeal to Pope Francis to be relieved of his priestly duties, I wrote him a personal note assuring him of my prayers and goodwill.
He has served the Church during turbulent times and was betrayed by the founder of his religious order. Nevertheless, Fr. Jonathan worked very hard to stay balanced through it all. I trust him. He believes this is God’s will and I think I should take him at his word. He is well informed and has worked hard at forming his conscience. He does believe he is called to marriage although he says he is not pursuing any relationship. Like I said I take him at his word and believe the world will be better off because he is obeying God.
Peace be with you,
Al Kresta
I did not know Fr. Jonathan so I don’t have the ability to make a personal assessment or judgment. It’s just always sad, especially in these times, when someone who is a high profile priest decides to leave the priesthood. I think it leaves a scar for all the faithful who are already reeling in many cases.
However, I know the Legionaries and the tactics that they used to intimidate and “force” young men to become priests even when some of them felt they should not. I just spoke with one the other day who had experienced that exact thing with the Legionnaires and also left the order. However, he did not leave the priesthood. Thanks for your comments and your sharing what you received from Al.
Steve Skojec wrote on OnePeterFive of the pressure he was put under when he was affiliated with the Legion to enter the seminary, despite him not feeling a calling to the priesthood, and said that the situation was likely the same with Morris.
Sorry but I think there is more to this well thought-out ” story.” Let us not blame ” pressure.” Also this is not a ” young man.” He is middle-aged….I think the constant ” makeup, lights, action!” was too big a dip into worldlieness. Another reason priests should stay somewhat removed. This ” priest” broke his vows to God. So he says he is ” not in a relationship.” We shall see. Let us hope he can remain more loyal to his vows to his nebulous wife than he did to his ” other” vows. Much more will come out of this story; it is a bit far-fetched. And a BIG reason priests should remain celibate.
When the Franciscan Nuns educated me, the best of the bunch left the sisterhood to marry. When the Benedictine Priests educated me, the best of the bunch left the priesthood to marry. One married my widowed mother. I wonder who the girl is?
what next father? john mooris skeaps out in favor of gay married priests (try a turtle neck you look stupid in a tie)
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