The Didache Bible Is Here, Article by Dr. Jeff Mirus

[Steve’s Comment]: I posted this a while ago, but want to make sure new readers are aware of this excellent new Bible with the right footnotes, maps, etc. This is my choice if I had only one Catholic Bible.

[Miras’ article]: This Bible uses the 2nd Edition of the Catholic Edition of the Revised Standard Version, widely regarded as the best translation available today. This means it was last revised according to the principles promulgated in Liturgiam Authenticam in 2001. The printing is well done—clean, clear and easy to read—and the accompanying commentary and additional resources are superb. However, the prospective reader needs to realize that this edition’s resources are primarily devoted to highlighting and clarifying the teachings and practices of the Church as found in the Word of God and as more fully articulated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

This purpose was inspired by the Midwest Theological Forum’s Didache Series of religious education textbooks, and it makes this edition of the Bible the best one to use in connection with religious education, or by readers who want to understand both the teachings of the Church and their foundations in Sacred Scripture.

It would not be the best edition for those who know Catholic doctrine very well and are now interested in exploring the origins and development of the Biblical books, the surrounding history with which the texts interact, or the full range of perspectives on the meaning of difficult passages.

The Didache Bible includes the following preparatory resources as front-matter:

  • Foreword by Cardinal Francis George on the general relationships among the Catechism, Vatican II’s Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, and Sacred Scripture.
  • Preface by Fr. James Socias of the Midwest Theological Forum on the fundamental purposes of this edition.
  • Introduction on Biblical inspiration and the various senses of Scripture.
  • A brief guide on how to read the Bible.
  • A brief summary of the major themes of all the books of the Old and New Testaments.
  • A chronology of the Old Testament.
  • A chronology of the New Testament.
  • A thematically-organized list of Scripture passages for personal meditation.

Of even greater interest are the resources which accompany each of the books. There is a one-page introduction to each book which covers authorship, dating, audience and main themes. Then, page by page as the Biblical text unfolds, we find:

  • Extensive commentary, verse by verse, on the meaning of the text and its significance for understanding Catholic teaching and practice.
  • Call-out boxes which briefly highlight key Biblical and theological concepts to aid the reader in understanding the full significance of the text.
  • Lists of related Biblical passages (these cross-references visually separate the text from the commentary).
  • Periodic full-page apologetical explanations of important Catholic concepts, teachings and practices, placed at appropriate points along the way. There are over 100 of these longer explanations.

Finally, following the last book of the Bible, the back-matter includes:

  • 24 full-color maps providing geographical orientations for both the Old and New Testaments.
  • A 44-page glossary of Biblical names and terms.
  • Index to the maps.
  • Index of apologetical explanations by title.
  • Index of apologetical explanations by subject.
  • A 23-page index of subjects, including Biblical names, which leads to the Biblical passages in which they appear.

I’ve attached two rough, home-made double-page scans. One shows pages from the Book of Genesis as an example of the presentation of the text, the Biblical cross-references, the extensive commentary, and the boxed highlights. The other shows pages from the Book of Revelation as an example of how an apologetical explanation (on the Rosary) interfaces with a page of text (again with its characteristic chapter and verse numbers, subtitles, cross-references and commentary).

The Didache Bible is currently available in a sturdy hardbound edition with two ribbons. I give this Bible my highest recommendation for all those who wish to understand both Sacred Scripture and Catholic teaching more fully, including the deep links between the two. I would say it is the best edition to give as a first Bible to Catholics who have not yet made an extensive study of their Faith. It is the ideal Bible for them to have when they go off to college or out into the world, where they will eventually be challenged—not least about the relationship between Sacred Scripture and the Catholic Church.

I have provided our usual Amazon link below, but the Bible is currently on sale directly from Ignatius Press. I am checking on the availability of the deluxe leather-bound edition that was also originally planned.

The Didache Bible     $35.00


This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. Lorraine Curtin

    Is this bible available for Verbum purchase?

  2. Pete

    What I would really like to see is a Bible that has the CCC in the back of it. All in one book . That way, I can carry around the whole tradition in one book.

  3. Peter

    I have seen the Anglican Book of Common Prayer with the Bible in one volume;.

  4. Howard

    I’d like to see it square the Pope’s latest modification of the CCC with Scripture, instead of with an evolving awareness of the Zeitgeist.

  5. Joy

    I’ve had this Bible for quite a while and use it for our weekly Bible Study group. VERY helpful with the footnotes. I asked our Priest to bless it when I first got it and he said it was a VERY GOOD edition. So that made me glad I had gotten it. Thanks for sharing this with people,

  6. Kevin

    I have been using this bible for lectio divina and I am very happy with it. The references to the Catechism are very helpful, and the clarity of the language fosters meditation.

  7. Bob March

    I have this Bible and it is valuable. However, I am interested in an alternative which would address the historical context, the full range of perspectives and interpretations of obscure passages. An recommendations for that Bible? Thanks.

    STEVE RAY HERE: I don’t know if there is such a Bible. I know that Ignatius press is coming out with a very thorough study Bible add Jeff Cavins as well. The Navarra Bible does some of what you ask but it’s multi-volumes.

    I have pretty much given up on actual books and do all of my work now on Verbum software. Verbum is by far the best and it works out iPhones, laptops, desktops and even in the cloud. It’s the most marvelous Catholic Bible study software available and I sit on an airplane with a library of 15000 books in my lap.

    If you’re interested, let me know and I’ll give you more information.

  8. ralfy

    The Bible uses RSV, which is not recent. NRSV uses more accurate translations given the Dead Sea Scrolls and other manuscript discoveries.

    Given that, one should consider NRSV-CE. Books that use that include the _Catholic Prayer Bible_.

    An alternative is the _Catholic Study Bible_, which uses NABRE (an update of NAB using similar manuscriptdiscoveries).

    Finally, it is hoped that an updated version of NABRE for liturgical use will be available a few years from now. Perhaps something like NRSV-2CE will also be available.

    STEVE RAY HERE: thanks for the good info! I’ve heard that the NRSV Also uses inclusive language which is a problem.

  9. ralfy

    Hopefully, the updated NABRE (which should be available by 2025), something like NRSV-2CE, a New Catholic Bible that revises NJRB, etc., will be available in the future. Because they need to be revised for liturgical use, then the inclusive language should be minimized.

    I forgot to mention ESV-CE, which is used for liturgy in India.

  10. Fr Michael

    I have to say that I dislike any version which does not follow the original language. I do not care for the NAB as it DOES NOT follow the original language. Personally, I used to use Verbum software, however I much prefer to use a hard copy book, one which I can hold, smell and underline as well as annotate with references, something impossible with software. Presently, for the NT, I much prefer the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible, which is based on the second Catholic edition RSV. However each to his own.

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