I have been in semi-seclusion for the last month and it has paid off. I have finished 26 out of 28 Lessons on Genesis and I am half dne with the 27th. Genesis is more fascinating than I realized. It is one thing to read it and quite another to dig deep and see how it all works together. There is a marveous inner consistency to it and the authorship of the Holy Spirit is more apparent the more you study.

 Writing about Abraham, then Isaac, then Jacob–well, I will miss them. It is like reading a long novel where you become personally engrossed in the characters' lives and then you get to the last chapter and have to say "Good-bye." I have two inclinations: one to start over again, and two, to dive into Exodus for the rest of the story.

 It will have to be the first. As soon as I am done with the www.CatholicScriptureStudy.com guide to Genesis, I have to start writing the script for our next DVD Abraham: Father of Faith & Works. So in a few days I will be much more active on the blog and my websites. Hope you can join Catholic Scripture study which now has my studies on both Acts and Genesis. Next will be 1 and 2 Corinthians which I start on this Fall.
