This is a question that very few people think about. The natural reaction to the question, “What is the New Testament?” is that it is a collection of books in the Bible.

But before you say the New Testament is “a book” ask yourself what the book says the New Testament is. A hint is found in Luke 22:20 and 1 Corinthians 11:25. In this verse the words “testament” and “covenant” are synonyms (see KJV and Douay-Rheims).


This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Mike Daniel

    I would say that the New Testament is a way of life, a guide for salvation.

  2. Kevin

    Easy. Testament is another word for covenant, so…. The precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ

  3. Tim

    The New Testament is simply the New Covenant, the Paschal sacrifice and mystery of Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection that gave us life and conquered death and sin. The New Testament is not a book but the collection of the “books of the New Covenant.” The old covenant involved animal sacrifice, God’s law and presence in the ark then the Holy of Holies, and the old passover. The New Covenant (the veil in the temple was split from top to bottom signifying the end of the old) involves the presence of Christ in the New Covenant Passover meal which is the Liturgy of the Eucharist, Christ’s presence in the Eucharist, and the Church. It began with “Emanuel,” God with us, then sacrificial redemption, then “paraclete,” Holy Spirit manifest in us.

  4. De Maria

    The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not a communion with the Blood of Christ?

  5. Rocky Marie

    The New Testament (the new covenant) is the Eucharist.

  6. Nelson Paez

    hello steve a question, i saw a video of yours and i don't know if i'm wrong but as i understood, you say that the new testament was going to be called the sacrament? why?

    STEVE RAY HERE: Nelson, you got that completely mixed up. What you may have heard me say is that the new testament is actually not a book but the Eucharist. When you read the new testament IT says that the Eucharist is the “blood of the New Covenant, or New Testament. The book was called the New Testament because it explains this.

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