Hello Steve, I must say I am very troubled to know that these awful things are happening in our Church, and it goes all the way to the top.  It is very hypocritical, which makes it hard to swallow, and is a major trust issue.  I have no thoughts of leaving the church, and I very much appreciate the advice.  I hope you have a wonderful time on your next Pilgrimage.  Good Bless.

I tried to give a brief and encouraging response:

One of the reasons we modern Catholics struggle so much is partly because we don’t know our church history. The early Church went through all kinds of struggles. Just read 1 Corinthians and see what Paul was dealing with with his own church. Then came the age of persecution and the martyrs.
Then came heresies swirling around the doctrine of Jesus and the Trinity, then came bad popes. Then came the Middle Ages where bishops were being appointed by kings and their offices purchased. Sons were succeeding their fathers as bishops.
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Then the Church struggled through the Enlightenment and the Protestant “Reformation”. Soon we came to modernism, and then the Nazis and Soviet communism. We have survived.
Like a ship voyaging across the sea she has navigated these dangerous waters for 2,000 years. The ship has had as many enemies from within as from storms and pirates without. Yet, here we are.
You know the next phase — our current times.
There were many bad popes, corrupt bishops and apathetic Catholics. There has been more evil than anything we can imagine. And yet the Church survived and here we are today.
Never despair, the Church belongs to Jesus and he’s the one building it. The popes and bishops are here to give the church a visible structure but they’re not always the best thing that happens to the church. There is a great quote in a new book entitled “Staying with the Church” which says,
The Church’s structures, offices, and ruling authorities are necessary to keep Christ present in the world, but his presence transcends their limitations – including the moral failures of his own vicars. Christ, being God, knew his vicars would fail him, as he knew St. Peter would.” In other words, the Barque of Peter sails on.
Or, as Hilaire Belloc so perfectly concluded: ‘The Catholic Church is an institution I am bound to hold divine – but for unbelievers a proof of its divinity might be found in the fact that no merely human institution conducted with such knavish imbecility would have lasted a fortnight’.”
I consider this a great time to be a Catholic when we can influence those around us with the truth, and instructing them on the ancient traditions and teachings of the Church, which they don’t often hear from the Vatican or the pulpit.
In the old days, no one had any idea what was going on in Rome or in the Vatican. They were just concerned with their local parish and living the Catholic life in their family and community.
I used to stress myself about all of this, and it only raised my blood pressure. I can’t change anything in Rome or in the Vatican. What I can do is change my own heart and the lives of my own family and influence my parish and influence local Catholics in our community where I live. That’s what Christians have done for the last 2000 years.
I would suggest you watch my video “How can a John Paul II Catholic Survive in a Pope Francis World” at JP II Video https://youtu.be/bu2EfKUxCW8

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Peter Aiello

    Providentially, the Church compiled the Bible in the fourth century and it is now widely available for anyone to read. It contains the original ancient teachings of the Church which we don’t often hear from the Vatican or the pulpit. I found it to be the place where I found the instruction for my present Catholic spiritual life. It was there all along even though it was not taught to me by my Catholic teachers when I was growing up.

    STEVE RAY HERE: Understood and thanks for reading and sharing. However, even though you may not have been specifically taught the Bible, it was taught throughout our history. The very fact that we read large portions at Mass, and the Mass has more Scritpure than any Protestant church during Sunday morning, I do not deny your experience. Glad you have now discovered the riches of Scripture and help other in the Church to do the same.

  2. Peter Aiello

    Steve Ray: I believe that there is a difference between a Biblical truth being taught as part of the Church culture, and hearing it at mass. If it is not reinforced by catechesis, it is easily ignored. Biblical truth can also be marginalized by emphasizing other things. I found this to also be true in Protestant churches.

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