It is sad that so many expect perfection before they will stand behind a good man.

We have two choices this November — radically different choices for the future of America, our families, Israel, the world and the Church. Who else will fight on our behalf to stop the insane destruction of America and restore sanity in the world.

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Even if one is skeptical about Trump and Vance remember that God uses flawed people. He does not expect perfection before he calls a person for his service.

God draws straight with crooked lines. He has always used flawed men to do his will — King David the murderer and adulterer (whom God says was a man after God’s own heart) and Solomon the idolater.

God calls himself “the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob”, yet Jacob means “supplanter” and he was a crook and swindler. Moses was a murderer and stuttered, Aaron the High Priest was a coward and pushover.

God used Peter who denied him and waffled in his ministry at times and many others who were not even believers like the King of Persia (Ezra 1:1-4) — a host of flawed individuals.

I am not going to waste my time or your’s pointing out flaws in Trump or Vance (but I will point out my own). Frankly, from what I am learning, Vance is the ideal man to fill this slot. He is intelligent, conservative, a Catholic, eloquent, young and ready to defend freedom of religion and America.

I will pray for him and defend him and oppose the nay-sayers who have nothing better to do than take cheap potshots. Who would they be happy with?

Here is a 1.5 minute clip on Vance’s conversion to the Catholic Church.
