Not too long ago I was shopping with my wife. A Muslim woman was in front of us in line arguing with the cashier. I knew she was Muslim because of the hijab around her head. I waited patiently.

The cashier said, “The store’s policy is only one per customer.” The Muslim woman argued, “I want 21 so give them to me!” The cashier repeated, “I don’t make the rules, I just have to abide by them. The store says the sale is only one per customer.”

The Muslim woman started yelling at the clerk. She went on and on. Finally I said, “Lady, just follow the rules!” She turned on me like a viper and said, “It is none of your business.”

I said, “Yes it is my business because I am stuck here waiting for you since you don’t want to follow the simple rules of the store.”

She said, “F**k you!” I was surprised and so was everyone else standing around. So I said loudly enough for everyone within a hundred feet to hear, “Oh, is this what Mohammed teaches you? Is this what we learn from Islam?”

She quickly bought her one item and exited the store. Now I am not inclined to confront people like this for no reason, but Americans have become so cowardly and politically correct that we fear ever saying what we think. We cower in fear that a Muslim or a rude person, or potty mouth might not like us or might yell at us.

Well, the heck with that. I gave up political correctness long ago. I despise the cowardice and stupidity of political correctness and letting wrongheaded ideas and bullies rule the world. We should not insult people, we should respect people, we should love people, but we should also be honest and live in the real world.

All it takes for evil to conquer is for a few good men and women to say and do nothing.

By the way, the store clerk thanked me profoundly when I stepped up to the cash register.


This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Michael McGreevy

    Good for you. I think us young folks have a hard time calling folks out on their crap. Somehow we have ben taught that don’t make waves. To walk away from any problems.

    1. Al Wilson

      I have done similar on several occasions and you are totally correct. We, as a people, cannot stand idly by while those that hate us have their way. Good job…

  2. Mary Lou Weinberg

    I think your last line says it all. I’m sure the cashier was very glad you came to her rescue and stood up to that Muslim woman. I hope that woman left not only with the one item she purchased but with a little remorse and if she ever returns to the store lets hope she acts with civility.

  3. theresa in Alberta

    THANKYOU, for sticking up for the cashier. As a mother of a college student who works in retail this happens all the time!!

  4. Brother Ed



    I hope she goes home and thinks about what kind of testimony of her false religion she gave to the people watching. I also hope she thinks about what kind of person she is.

  5. Monika

    I never understood this socalled political correctness; I prefer honesty in a polite and respectful manner! And I really don’t care what colour, race, or status the other person has!
    I believe this is how Jesus would deal with a situation, too

  6. Christopher Lake

    According the same logic, though, Steve (and I ask this as a fellow follower of Christ), would it not be right for a Muslim to verbally confront us thus– loudly, publicly, whenever we are seen in sin– “So, is THIS what your Jesus teaches you to do?”

    Perhaps it *would* be right of the Muslim to do so– and hopefully, we would publicly apologize, repent of our sin, and answer with something like, “No, Jesus does not teach me to sin in this way or in any way. I was wrong, and I am sorry.” To respond in that way would be a great witness for Christ on our part!

  7. Christopher Lake

    Oops– meant to write, “According *to* the same logic…”

  8. Ray from Alberta, Canada

    The Muslim woman’s actions is nothing new. It’s been seen everywhere. God wants us to stand up for Him, and in a spirit of charity, and with respect, correct our brothers and sisters. Who are our brothers and sisters? We are all brothers and sisters, regardless of race or religion. As Christians this is what we believe. It’s through our actions that we can have hope for our brothers and sisters to correct their actions.

  9. Sandi

    Thank you, Steve. You did a great and wonderful thing in calling her out on her behavior. We do not have to be doormats.

  10. Todd Vetter

    Just out of curiosity, what about this experience in unique to Islam? Her behavior was offensive; but what exactly made it Islamic? I stood behind a man at the St. Louis airport while he screamed profanities at the ticket agent for about 5 minutes. Really offensive, personal stuff. If he was a Christian, would that have indicted the whole of the Christian community?
    I'm an ordained Christian clergyman. I believe that the truth we claim about Christ very deeply. I take very seriously the notion that God is incarnate in Jesus; and that this incarnation implicates each of us who takes it seriously in a commandment to love neighbor, stranger, foreigner, even those we perceive to be enemies. This is the word of God, as far as I'm concerned. It's hard, difficult work; but it is who we are called to be as Christians.
    It is admirable to stand up and speak out against offensive behavior, irrespective of who is committing it. But it is little more than religious bigotry to assign blanket condemnation to an entire – and remarkably diverse – community of believers, because one of their member behaves in an offensive way.

    STEVE RAY HERE: Todd, I am not implying that this was unique to Muslims as it certainly is not. There are a lot of rude and mean people in the world. But Westerners have such a myopic and romantic view of Muslims and defend them at every turn – both from the reality of what Islam really is and what it produces.

    I make a distinction between Muslims (many very nice people) and Islam (a religion and political ideology of hate and dominance). I just thought it was ironic that she stood their in her haji (supposedly as a disciple of Mohammad) and did what she did. I though I would make a point and I did.

  11. Pavol

    Good job Steve!

  12. Al Wilson

    It is all well and good in what you say, BUT, she was a Muslim, and she brought it on herself. Mr. McGreevy did nothing wrong, or un-Christian like. He used no profanity as did the woman, and merely pointed out what she advertised by the clothing she wore in loud tone similar to hers.

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