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On Friday I did a show with Dave Palmer on the Guadalupe Radio Network on the coronavirus. With a bit of a contradictory position to the mainstream media narrative, the discussion was well received.

People are beginning to push back against this continuing lockdown and we discuss why. How do we as Christians react to this loss of liberty and the implication that religion and church attendance are non-essential?

The podcast can be listened to here. My segment begins 16:030 minutes into the podcast.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Honesto Fenol

    Dear Steve Ray,
    I met you twice when you gave a talk in Montgomery and Washington, Indiana. I said it will not surprise me if you become one of our Catholic saints.
    I listened closely to the May 12, 2020 interview you had with John Henry Weston show.
    You were asked if you think these Wuhan Virus is a form of chastisement.
    Here's my take on this. Mankind has rebelled against God's instituted law and order. For many decades we have killed about 200 million innocent babies worldwide, redefined marriage and gender status, sports has become our god, we displaced church activities with scheduled games,people do not hesitate to pay tons of money to watch sports but hardly contribute to support of the Church, money has become the focus of life, we now advocate euthanasia, politics has become meaner, and so many more acts of disobedience and rebellion. We have offended God and had moved away from his loving umbrella of protection. Must we wonder then than we reap what we sow. We need to mend our ways, pray, and make reparations before it's too late. These are my humble opinions.Thank you brother for your steadfast faith.

    STEVE RAY HERE: Thanks for visiting my blog and for your heart-felt comment. Much appreciated. I agree with you that plagues and such are often sent by God as punishment when we read the Old Testament, but I do not know when something is God punishing or just a natural phenomenon. We have had a lot of plagues, killer flu’s, earthquakes, hurricanes and other devastating “natural events” and I don’t know that anyone would claim all of them are sent from God as a punishment. I for one, would not conclude so, but at the same time, I don’t deny that it could be. It is just not in my realm of knowledge and insight to know whether it is or not.

  2. Jose t joji

    What to do if you fallen into mortal sin and there is no priest around for confession, steve it is really important for me,

    STEVE RAY HERE: Hello Jose, yes, I understand. Two things:

    1) If you live near a church you can call and make an appointment with the priest for confession. From what I understand, he can not refuse you. Call and tell him you need to have him hear your confession. He should invite you over, probably with you wearing a mask, but he will certainly hear you confession.

    2) If you are unable to get to a priest, or if they will not hear your confession, then there is a remedy which is stated in the Catechism. Read paragraphs 1451 and 1452:


    1451 Among the penitent’s acts contrition occupies first place. Contrition is “sorrow of the soul and detestation for the sin committed, together with the resolution not to sin again.”

    1452 When it arises from a love by which God is loved above all else, contrition is called “perfect” (contrition of charity). Such contrition remits venial sins; it also obtains forgiveness of mortal sins if it includes the firm resolution to have recourse to sacramental confession as soon as possible.

    If you cannot get to confession, confess your sins directly to God with contrition for your sins based on love for God. Then resolve to get to a priest as soon as one is available, and even your mortal sins will be forgiven.

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