(Thanks for all your comments below. Everyone loves hearing them on the bus!)
Today was a marvelous day of adventure, prayer, friendship, and learning the Bible.
We did not want to kill our poor pilgrims who are still a bit weary from jet lag and travel so we took in three important Rosary sites and walked in the footprints of Jesus on top of the Mount of Transfiguration, Cana and Nazareth.
Remember that Jesus lived to be thirty-three years old and of those he lived quietly in Nazareth for thirty of those years. We talked about the Annunciation and how the angel met the 15 year old Mary that probably had muddy feet at the time of meeting. We also discussed the typical day in the life of the Holy Family.
The couples all renewed their wedding vows. One couple celebrated their 50th anniversary in Cana today. Well I could say more, but you can see it all for yourself and I hope it helps the Bible come alive for you like it is for all of us.

Part 1: Transfiguration and Cana
Part 2: Nazareth and Mass at the Annunciation