I think you will enjoy my latest run through Athens early this morning. I put it up with about 70 pictures and 10 videos. It is covered with beautiful Greek music.
I start out running past the 2004 Olympic Stadium, then to Mars Hill (Acts 17) where St. Paul defended the teaching of Christianity to the Areopagites. From their I run up the many steps to the top of the Acropolis to show you the Parthenon and Athens “from the air.”
Next I run through the Agora where St. Paul argued, following the example of Plato, Socrates and Aristotle. Then to the Parliament Building in time to video the famous changing of the guards. Then to the Catholic Cathedral built in honor of St. Dionysius the Areopagite, Paul’s first convert in Athens and the first bishop.
I try to give you a feel for the city, it’s religious life and what it is like to get up and go to work in the morning. I hope you enjoy it.
