This weekend my son Jesse and are are driving through Ohio doing two Parish Missions. One at Immaculate Heart in Cincinnati and one at St. Remy’s in Russia Ohio. Both were incredible parishes with wonderful priests and people.
Immaculate heart is a large, bustling parish with lots of ministries, enthusiastic people and devote love for God.
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St. Remy’s had all the same qualities but it is out in the middle of French and German farm country with nothing for miles but good Catholic families and a beautiful Catholic churches every three miles.
While here we discovered the 2nd largest collection of relics in the Unites States. It was stunning and profoundly moving. It is called the Maria Stein Center Shrine of the Holy Relics.
The shrine was beautiful and contains over 1,000 relics of the saints from all over the world and from all ages.
We ran a bit in the area and took some pictures. Click here to see and read more. I will be taking my wife there on a date as soon as I get a few free days 🙂
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