Tonight I was on Catholic Answers Live answering Questions from Non-Catholics. Here is the audio link to listen on line. For more listening options, click here.
Here are the questions I answered:
1) Southern Baptist asked: “To what do you attribute the Catholic Church’s unwavering stance on the Pro-Live Movement”?
2) Protestant asked: “If the purpose of purgatory is healing, why are prayers said to get people out quickly”?
3) Seventh Day Adventist: “How does the Catholic Church explain the change of worshiping from Saturday to Sunday”?
4) Baptist asked: “Why is there such a focus on the worship of Mary in the Catholic Church?”
5) An Assembly of God member asked: “Why is it necessary for Catholics to confess their sins to a priest”?
6) American Baptist asked, “Why is the Pope elected, since no one else in the Church is”?
