Not only did they resist the Socialist Agenda of the “Economic Recovery” package signed by President Obama, but they have now written to Cardinal Rigali pledging their defiant support to defeat the legisltative abomination called FOCA — the so-called “Freedom of Choice Act” that would make abortions legal — with no recourse for the States, Catholic hospitals, etc. Voice your support to these courageous Congressional advocates for Life.
US House Republicans write Cardinal Rigali, promise defense of human life
Republican leaders in the US House of Representatives have promised to fight against passage of the Freedom of Choice Act. In an open letter to Cardinal Justin Rigali, the chairman of the US bishops’ pro-life committee, Reps. John Boehner and Thaddeus McCotter — the House Republican leader and chairman of the Republican Conference, respectively — vow that the minority “will not be caught off-guard” by attempts to enact legislation affirming the Roe v. Wade decision. Boehner and McCotter thanked Cardinal Rigali for his clear stance in defense of life, articulating in a February 5 letter to all members of the US Congress. “We stand with you n the defense of all human life,” the Republican leaders said.
