People watched 4,392,486,580 hours of porn on PornHub in 2015 – and that just ONE site!

I posted this in 2016, but the problem is even worse today. This is not something we can turn a blind eye to. It must be opposed – it is destroying a whole generation of young girls, and the men who watch them destroyed.

The number of hours porn was watch on PornHub is the equivalent of every person on the earth watching 12 porn videos in 2015. And that is not all porn sites – just PornHub.

What kind of an effect is this having on men, on families and on women? Just imagine the change our world is going through! Imagine where and what young men are getting their ideas of sex and girls. It is a scary time!

Heroic men are standing strong for true love and chivalry. Not all men are wading in the filth of pornography.

This article is shocking



This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Tom Govern

    Something missing in their lives.

  2. Darrell

    If anyone were to question whether or not evil is within reach of every individual and family, this growing trend should convince them. This problem, that seems to pervade all social strata, is more insidious than some may think. As our society slides to new lows of depravity, the long-term effects of this could be devastating. Believers should should begin to fight this cancer whole-heatedly, before it takes over the minds and souls of an entire generation. The bible presents clear evidence as to how God views the abuse of our sexuality.

  3. Jorge Ramos

    Really sad… I hope more people get involved in asking to ban it.

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