Cardinal Levada decries New York Times attack on Pontiff
Cardinal William Levada, the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, has joined in the defense of Pope Benedict XVI against critical reports published by the New York Times. Faulting the newspaper’s reporting and its editorial comment on the Pope’s alleged involvement in sex-abuse scandals, the cardinal wrote:
“the article and the editorial are deficient by any reasonable standards of fairness that Americans have every right and expectation to find in their major media reporting.”
Archbishop Dolan details errors in Times reports on abuse scandal
New York’s Archbishop Timothy Dolan, writing on his own blog, has provided a detailed critique of reports published in the New York Times, attempting to draw a connection between Pope Benedict and sex-abuse scandals. Those reports, Archbishop Dolan notes, were based on information provided by trial lawyers who are currently involved in litigation against the Holy See. The Times reporting was based on documents that do not support the newspaper’s charges. And one front-page report dredged up information that was public several years ago.
The archbishop asked: “Why is this news now? The only reason it is news at all is because of the implication that Cardinal Ratzinger was involved. Yet the documentation does not support that charge, and thus they should have no place in a putatively respectable newspaper.”
Archbishop Listecki: Milwaukee, not Rome at fault in Murphy abuse scandal
Apologizing to victims of clerical abuse, Archbishop Jerome Listecki of Milwaukee said in his March 30 Chrism Mass homily that Milwaukee bishops– implicitly Archbishop William Cousins (1958-77) and Archbishop Rembert Weakland (1977-2002)– were at fault in the handling of Father Lawrence Murphy’s abuse of deaf children.
Overwhelming Defense of the Pope in the Face of Absurd Reporting
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