Janet and I will board a plane in a few hours to fly to Turkey. We will land in Istanbul and sleep — then on to Adana, then a long drive to Antakya, which is ancient Antioch on the Syrian border. We will also visit Seleucia, the port St. Ignatius left from as a prisoner on his way to be eaten by lions in Rome..
Antioch is the home of Gentile Christianity and we were first called Christians there (Acts 11). We will be there to research Ignatius of Antioch the 3rd bishop following Peter and Evodius.
Then on to Ephesus where Justin Martyr taught and where Ignatius passed and wrote letters to the early believers. Then to Selcuk and Izmir (ancient Smyrna) where Polycarp was bishop and later burned in the coliseum.
Then to Lyon France to research Irenaeus and find his tomb before flying to Rome to study Justin Martyr, the death of Ignatius, the papacy and life of Clement and much more.
I think our Apostolic Fathers: Handing on the Faith will be one of my favorite documentaries and probably one of our most popular.
Keep us in your prayers. I will try to update the blog with our journeys and pictures.
