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Donald E. Wildmon Founder and Chairman


May 4, 2006

Ford Headed Toward Bankruptcy, But Support Of Homosexual Groups Continues

Dear Steve,

Ford Motor Company continues to give money to help finance homosexual organizations pushing homosexual marriage. Chairman Bill Ford evidently is willing to take Ford into bankruptcy in order to continue support of homosexual groups and homosexual marriage. Ford's sales dropped 5% in March and 7% in April. Ford's stock has dropped more than 14% since the boycott began to the lowest price in nearly 20 years. Some feel the stock, now at $6.78, will be at $3 in a matter of months and are bailing out now rather than lose more money on Ford stock.Ford is a "Platinum Sponsor" of the Human Rights Campaign, a leading advocate of homosexual marriage. In order to be a "Platinum Sponsor" of HRC, Ford had to give HRC $150,000. Other homosexual organizations getting financial support from Ford include GLAAD, Michigan Pride, Triangle Foundation, GLSEN, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, and PFLAG to name only a few. In addition, Ford is a corporate sponsor of the 2006 GLAAD Media Awards in which homosexual groups honor companies which have helped them promote their agenda. While Ford helps groups promoting the homosexual lifestyle, Ford refuses to give to groups on the other side of the issue. Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX), an organization which helps those who want to come out of the homosexual lifestyle, applied for a grant from Ford. Ford refused to donate to PFOX. Ford dealer Dan Janssen told the Detroit News that the boycott was being felt. "It's something that's just kind of snowballing," Janssen said, adding that it is starting to hurt business. For more information on the boycott, visit BoycottFord.com.

Take Action

  • Sign the Boycott Ford Pledge if you haven't already done so.
  • Next, forward this email to a Ford dealer near you. Click here (then click on the logo) to find email addresses of Ford dealers near you. It is very important that Ford know of your participation in the boycott. If you haven't called your dealer, please do so. Please be polite.
  • Finally, forward this to your friends and family so they can be aware of Ford's support of homosexual marriage.

Please click here to sign the Boycott Ford Pledge

This good news is due to the action taken by people like you. We are going to be successful because of your participation and support. Would you be so kind to help us with a donation so we can continue this boycott and bring it to a successful completion. Even a small gift would be very helpful. Click here to make your donation. Thank you for caring enough to get involved.


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