Our age downplays masculinity as though it’s a social disease. In ages past men were proud to be men and knew nothing of a “feminine side” which usually means taking on an air of effeminacy. Gentlemanly, polite, well-mannered, courteous, chivalrous – yes, but effeminate, never! Thanks, but no thanks.

My dad was a man and taught me to be a man too by instruction and example. Thanks Dad! I taught my son to be a man and I am sure proud of him and all my manly grandsons. My daughters are real women too, following their mom’s teaching and example, and they all found real men to marry.

I just heard of a Catholic school nearby that has forbidden the throwing of snowballs during recess. What? My grandkids are homeschooled and in a homeschooling coop and they relish a good time outdoors to do what boys do and to throw and dodge a furious barrage of snowballs, all in good fun – growing up to be muscular men with a sense of fun, teamwork and competition.

In a culture full of gender confusion and social engineering crap, I enjoyed this list of 80+ quotes by men about being men. It’s a celebration of the way God made us and a rebellion against the way the world wants to re-make us. Enjoy! https://www.artofmanliness.com/articles/quotes-about-manliness/
