UPDATE: I posted this in late 2019 but thought it appropriate to repost it for people who still have Netflix and want to consider cancelling it to object to their anti-Christian and slanderous, blasphemous productions.

UPDATE: Bishop Strickland of Tyler Texas denounces Netflix as blasphemous over gay Jesus movie.

My Message to Netflix by Twitter, Facebook and US Mail: “Our whole family has decided to cancel Netflix. Your “gay Jesus” Christmas special was just too much. This is blasphemous!

We can no longer support a company that promotes trash that alienates more than half the population. Goodbye Netflix.”

My 15-year-old granddaughter Maria Faustina wrote, “I don’t know whether to laugh, cry, or just scream at the blasphemous stupidity. The devil is sitting on his haunches, rocking back and forth, cackling with glee.”

If you want to join us in refusing to finance and support such trash, and to make a statement, here is how to cancel Netflix in under 5 minutes https://www.bestnetflixvpn.com/blog/how-to-cancel-netflix/

When you cancel make sure you tell them WHY!



This Post Has 17 Comments

  1. JoAnne McCormack

    We have gotten rid of Netflix a while ago. This is just too much. I do not care if you are gay, just DO NOT push it on me. And to produce such a disgraceful film about our Lord is unspeakable. So tired of the garbage going on in our country. May be time for another civil war. God help us.

  2. Thomas M Govern

    I cancelled Netflix when they pulled out of Georgia productions because of the States abortion laws.

  3. Thomas M Govern

    PS, I took the time to call Netflix today and let them know how I feel.

  4. Carine

    Thank you for this information, I didn’t know about the movie. This is bad. AS Christians we need to stand and fight for our Lord and our faith.

  5. Lydia

    Thanks for letting us know. Wow, this is so disturbing. This has gone too far. I cancelled Netflix already.

  6. Mark

    Even on the cross, my Lord and my God said Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. How awesome, loving and merciful is our God.
    Today we use our intellect, our compassion to express our disapproval when our Lord is portrait in a negative light. I can only imagine what will happen if these same people did the same about another group of religious fanatical people.
    Mary Mother of God, lead these people to the truth of son our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

  7. Patricia Clark

    Shame on you Netflix, will have to discontinue, If you are reduced to showing such trash, don’t need you in my home. Long time customer.

  8. Veronica

    We just sent our cancellation and we told them why. I hope they lose lots of money and their stock plummets in Wall Street. Enough is enough! #StarveTheBeast

  9. Bob Kroll

    Done. Cancelled tonight.

  10. Susan E. Daigle

    This comes at a time when I was considering a video streaming service. Netflix is now off the list. What a travesty of Jesus who came from a culture that saw homosexuality as wrong.

  11. Leslie

    And now the Hallmark Channels, which one would think would be safe, has knuckled under to pressure and after canceling some commercials showing a same-sex “marriage” has apologized and will show them. I will not be watching Hallmark anymore.

  12. valerie Garding

    Us and all of our family members and friends and church contacts will be cancelling our Netflix because of the blasphemous portrayal of Jesus as a homosexual.

  13. Gerald Woodson, Neshkoro, WI

    I could not watch the third year of Stranger Things when they introduced gay issues. Sad. I really enjoyed the first two years. Now, with this latest slam on Christian values, enough is enough! I cancelled; my son in Louisiana cancelled.

  14. Heidi

    You are a role model for me Mr. Ray as I am a new convert to the Catholic faith just this past Easter…my daughter joined me and my son will be next this coming Easter. You have been a big influence on me in helping me learn so much (I bought 3 of your books) and I just wanted to say thank you so much.
    I too have cancelled Netflix over this issue after seeing this post and it makes me sick to my stomach and so sad. I pray for reparation to His most Sacred Heart and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

  15. DC

    I’m not Roman Catholic, just stumbled on to this website. I too canceled Netflix this month and told them that I could no longer support people who make homosexual Jesus films.

  16. Bill912

    I just read a report that Netflix's subscription projections were below expectations for the third straight quarter, and that, today, their stock is down 3%. Another example of "Get woke, go broke". It couldn't happen to a more worthy company.

    STEVE RAY HERE: Well said.

  17. Vicky Seamans

    I cancelled our Netflix subscription when I heard about Cuties coming to their platform. I chatted with one of Netflix’s customer service reps who didn’t seem to care that I was cancelling, or about my views of Netflix carrying that filthy movie. Netflix quickly and proudly became part of my household’s “cancel culture.”

    STEVE RAY HERE: I love your call family cancel culture called comment! Bravo. Hopefully more people will be courageous just like you!

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