My response is always, “Thanks, I wear it proudly as a Catholic!”
Invariably an interesting discussion ensues. An atheist once asked why he should become Catholic. What fun!
Yesterday two people at the airport commented and both started a lively discussion, one with a lukewarm, unsure Catholic who was inspired by our the warm discussion.
I LOVE being Catholic and love sharing it with every one. I encourage Catholics to wear their conviction around their neck.
Recently a man told me “I’ve always carried my crucifix in my pocket. From now on I’m wearing it to be a testimony to the world!”
This Post Has 6 Comments
God Bless. I think I saw a bit of the San Damiano Crucifix on a ‘keys of the kingdom’, piece. at a time when people can lose their jobs/livliehood for wearing a cross or having a bible at work, this is a major witness.
That is a gorgeous cross to wear. I will never forget seeing the original in Assisi. Everyone should make a pilgrimage there once in their lives!
Mr. Ray, that is beautiful cross, where can I get one like the one you have?
God Bless
What I would give to have the gift of talking…I will pray that you come unto my people that need Christ. Safe travels, Steve !!!
I want to start wearing my crucifix to work ‘outside’ my shirt. I’m concerned, unlike you, about being able to give a good enough answer to anyone who should ask about why…’fill-in-the-blank’.
I need some encouragement. I have a federal job, I meet with people daily in that job. I’m certain that I cannot be discriminated due to my religious rights… but I just might too. And I’m okay with that. Just not sure I can speak Catholic Christian as well as you. I appreciate your prayers. Sincerely,
STEVE RAY HERE: Chip, God bless you! You do not need to know all the answers to Catholicism. But you have your own “testimony“. You can tell people what Jesus means to you. You don’t have to describe theology or quote the catechism. You can just let people know that Jesus changed your life and why he and the Church are important to you. It’s called a personal testimony and no one can argue with that.
I have great admiration for you even for the desire to wear the cross and let people know that you’re an authentic Catholic. You don’t have to wear a big cross but I think it’s great if you do wear one of Emanuela size.
Thanks Steve, you’re a blessing. I have a nice Italian bronze crucifix given to me by a little brother of the Lamb. I’m looking forward to wearing it tomorrow. – Chip
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