It’s always nice to start Mass at Gethsemane at 8 AM before any of the crowds begin to visit. Always very moving to be around the rock, which is a sweat drops of blood, and then to partake of his Body and Blood. Then I drive to the top of the Mount of Olives to visit the Church of the Paternoster. Hears where Jesus told his disciples to pray, and from where he ascended into heaven.
We had Shawarma sandwiches on a platform overlooking the city of Jerusalem before heading to Mount Zion. We first visited the Upper Room from which we get four sacraments. since the Church of the Dormition is closed for restoration, our next stop was Saint Peter in Gallicantu, where we saw the place Peter denied Christ, where Jesus was tried by the high priest, and where he was kept in prison over holy Thursday night.
We then stood in line to visit the Holy Sepulchre Tomb and then ate dinner at the Cheese & Wine Restaurant on the roof of the Notre Dame overlooking the city of Jerusalem.