Here is the video on “Mary, the Saints & Statues.”
Many sects and cults, denominations and heretical groups are enticing Catholics in the Philippines to leave the Catholic Church due to misleading and seductive accusations about Marian veneration, the Communion of Saints and statues.
I will address these issues on a live Facebook event Sunday, July 11 at 8 AM Eastern time, 8 PM Manila time. The event is hosted by Empower Philippines on their Coffee Conversations which reaches Filipinos around the world.
Do Catholics worship Mary? Why do Catholics “break” the 1st Commandment by making and bowing down to statues? Where does the Bible teach that we should pray to dead saints? Why do Catholics keep Jesus on the cross when we know he is living in heaven?
Join us on Saturday and we can discuss these things together and understand what the Catholic Church REALLY teaches and why we should be proud of our 2,000-year theological history and help bring others back into the Church.
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Praise God for the grace of loving Jesus Christ and Blessed Virgin Mary!
I am so glad that you touched on the word ‘WOMAN’ in the Gospel of John:
John 2:4 “Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come.”
and John 19:26 When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, “Woman, behold, your son.”
Jesus called Mary ‘WOMAN’ not ‘MOTHER’ in order to prove the two ‘dogmas’ of The Blessed Mother Mary that the Catholic Church truly believed: MARY is forever the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION and the VIRGINITY.
Jesus met his Mother Mary ‘face to face’ only two places in John’s Gospel: at the beginning his public ministry (wedding in Cana) and at the end of his public ministry (on the cross at Gogotha); Jesus purposely called her WOMAN but not MOTHER.
If we look back into the book of Genesis chapter 2:23the man said:
“This one, at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh;
This one shall be called ‘WOMAN,’ for out of man this one has been taken.”
So the man called his wife WOMAN before ‘sin’ disobedience.
After committed ‘sin’ Gn 3:20 The man gave his wife the name “EVE,” because she was the mother of all the living.
So before committing ‘sin’ WOMAN means immaculate and virgin.
after committing ‘sin’ EVE means MOTHER of the living (she is now no longer immaculate and virgin.)
just imagine a group of women gathering in the garden and a boy calls out ‘MOTHER’ then a lady runs to him. Do you think or believe that she is still virgin?
with that two verses in Genesis 2:23 WOMAN and Genesis 3:20 EVE, we can see in the Gospel of John, WHY Jesus called Mary his mother WOMAN but not MOTHER.
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