Please pray for the repose of the soul of the best father in the world – Charles Robert Ray. He was 95 years old.

It was five years ago we said Good-bye and I have no doubt at all that he is enjoying the joys of heaven and making intercession for all of still here on earth.

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(Pictures: Dad with four generations: Me, my son Jesse and Josh and Sam; Fr. Bob Roggenbuck praying for dad a week before he left us. My dad’s response to Fr. Bob was, “I love you, thanks for praying with me.”)

Here is the blog I posted at his death here. My son compiled a nice memory video and I wrote a eulogy in his honor. He was very much in love with Jesus Christ and looking forward to meeting Him face-to-face. THAT is the thing that most explained and defined my father.

Mom is now almost 96 and doing well though she misses the presence of her husband of 73 years. God bless her!


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Tom Govern

    We will never stop loving those who we loved. We will be together again in a better place.

  2. Darrell

    My father turns 98 this year, and still has a vibrant mind and strong body. He just moved out of his home this summer and into assisted living, as my mother passed away in April (please pray for her). He prays the rosary daily, but turned away from the Church after Vatican II. Please pray for my father to return to the church and abandon his sedevacantist beliefs.

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