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This should be the norm, not an extraordinary event. Bishops should act more like shepherds than politicians. Finally a bishop steps up and says, “NO!”

Bishop Thomas J. Paprocki of Springfield, Illinois says Senator Dick Durbin is “cooperating in evil” and persisting in “manifest grave sin” because of his abortion advocacy and must therefore “not be admitted to Holy Communion until he repents of his sin.”

For the whole refreshing article, click here. (Thanks to my good friend Tom Govern for sharing this with me.)

To read the excellent Catholic World Report article, click here.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. JoAnne McCormack

    Well, it’s about time. Now we have to hope and pray that other bishops do the same for politicians in their diocese. Perhaps Cardinal Dolan can learn from this bishop and have the courage to excommunicate Governor Coumo for signing (and celebrating) the horrific law that was just passed in NY allowing the brutal murder of full term babies. (WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?)
    Time for Pelosi too!

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