I have a soft spot in my heart for this man because he has had a PROFOUND impact on our family. After a long and fruitful life, he died on February 21, 2018, at the age of 99.
(Picture: Me at 17 years old)
It was his message over the airwaves in 1953 — when Billy Graham was doing a crusade in Detroit — that first brought my mom to Christ. She tells me even today at 100 years old that she fell to her knees in tears that day and asked Jesus to save her.
[Link to My conversion story with Billy Graham woven in]

Then when I was 17 years old Billy Graham had a huge impact on me — so much so that after hearing him on the radio in about 1969 I slipped out the back door of our country home and with my long hair and bell-bottom jeans walked down the dirt road with tears in my eyes. I said, “Jesus, I am only 17 years old but tonight I am giving my entire life to you!”
It was THE defining moment in my life. I have great respect and admiration for this good Baptist preacher and will someday in heaven look him straight in the eyes and thank him for reaching a rebellious 17-year-old kid for Christ.

In the family picture, I am on the top row left with the plaid jacket 🙂
Below is a video of Billy Graham given shortly before his death. It was given to the scientists in Silicon Valley. He was fragile with age but his words are powerful, precise, and ever so pertinent to our society today. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
This Post Has 9 Comments
Very nice blast from the past. We have a lot to be thankful for. And today having found the fullness of the Gospel in the Catholic faith. I am thankful for my past that taught me to love the scriptures and to follow the lord. I just started today readying you book on the Book of John. Just making my way through the introduction on how to study the Bible.. Thank youl
Steve W.
My 100% Catholic parents loved Billy Graham. We woulwould watch his Crusade sermons on TV. He is a great man, and a wonderful Christian voice. Love him!
A great man with works that can be laid at Jesus feet.
Happy Birthday, Billy Graham! He is a great man who has brought thousands of people to belief in Jesus Christ. He has truly been a disciple and evangelist for Jesus; may this good and holy man receive a great reward in heaven, and may he hear “Well done, good and faithful servant!”
Rest in peace, Billy. There are many ‘non Catholic’ saints and this man is one of them. May He be welcomed by Jesus himself and Saint John Paul II as he enters heaven today.
What a dedicated and talented evangelist. He brought many people to Jesus. He would have made a great Catholic and now he is one!
I disagree. Mr Graham taught a false gospel : once saved always saved, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DID. So in his mind, if you commit what we would call a mortal sin, you would still be saved. Sorry to break your sympathetic bubble, but Billy Graham also led lots of people to hell. He eased up on his anti-Catholicism in his later years as the Catholic Church itself became more indifferent. Time to put the emotion aside and face the truth.
Please show us some evidence to support your third and fourth sentences.
Hi Steve. You know my conversion story. I loved Billy Graham too. He was a great man and a true Christian. Soon after my conversion to the Catholic Church, my late husband, Tom and I volunteered to work at a Billy Graham crusade here in Charlotte, NC. We went through some training as to what to say to those who would come forward when he would have an “altar call” at the end of his talk. The event was held at the Panthers football stadium and we were instructed to go down on the field just before the end of his talk to be ready for those who came forward. Those who “answered” the altar call were told to find a volunteer (we were holding signs and wearing badges) When someone would come to us we were instructed to pray with them and ask them if they had a church that they attended or used to attend and if so to suggest that they be sure to continue to attend that church. If they didn’t have a church we suggested that they find a Christian Church. Two things stood out to me about that night. One was that Billy Graham insisted that we not proselytize by advising what church any one should attend so Baptists were not to tell Catholics to go to a Baptist Church or vice versa. And then there was an instance when a man standing near the stage started yelling at Reverend Graham, accusing him of being a “Catholic lover”, saying Graham wasn’t a true Christian because he loved Catholics. Billy Graham ignored him and the man was removed from the stadium. I had even more respect for Rev. Graham after that night. I also admire his son, Franklin Graham. Both the father and son have brought many people to Christ. God bless them.
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