All of this is known by “Catholic geocentrics” who deny everything we know from science and proclaim that the Catholic Church infallibly teaches a geocentric universe. Hum!
Wonder if they still think the earth is flat, or the moon is made of green cheese?
One of the main proponents of this lunacy is Bob Sungenis who I once respected as a Catholic biblical apologist. He has also become an anti-Semite. Too bad.
If you are interested in learning more about these fringe elements in the Church here are a few articles: here and here and if you want to read Dave Palm’s multiple articles exposing these unfortunate fallacies, you can read it on his blog here.
Did You Know the Sun actually Revolves around the Earth?
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This Post Has 7 Comments
Actually, there is no center of the universe. Think of the universe as an expanding balloon. If you designate any arbitrary point as the center, one can truthfully say all other points on the balloon surround it. Thus you are at the center of the universe, and so am I, and so is the moon. It all depends on what we choose to make the reference point. Naturally, when measuring things WRT the earth we make the earth the center to make the math easier. We could use the sun instead, but the math for movement on earth would be overly complicated. If we are measuring things WRT the galaxy, using it as a reference point makes the math easier.
It’s true that the universe is expanding, however, there is a center point that everything is expanding out from. That is the point at which the Big Bang occurred.
John Salza, the former Freemason, who runs also espouses a geocentric view and misinterprets scripture to espouse near misogynistic views. Too bad these guys waste their intellect defending a brand of Catholicism which only exists in their minds, and worse it seems they do so not with charity but to condemn. They may be plugged into the juice of the sacraments but the switch of faith isn’t turning on the light of Christ for anyone. God help these guys to blend a little more reason with faith.
OK: I had read Sungenis as well. And when I read the first few sentences here I said “Oh no — Not Steve Ray, too!” Fortunately, I read the rest of it! Too bad about Sungenis — I watched a brilliant debate with James White on Catholic theology.
Interesting, isn’t it, how I can aim my telescope in any direction (through a conveniently clear atmosphere) and only am able to see the same distance in every direction; pretty special if you ask me. Isn’t it amazing too that we have a Moon that appears to us the exact same diameter as the Sun so that we can experience a total solar eclipse? What are the chances? Oh, I forgot to add that the scientists used this convenient fact to observe the bending of stellar light during a solar eclipse providing some really neat evidence for Mr. Einstein’s theory of relativity. If all motion is relative, as Mr. Einstein said, then I can say the Sun, and everything else does revolve around the Earth, as Anil said, we choose the reference point since Science says there is no “center” (-something even Newton realized but he had to set his benchmark somewhere.) So you see, geo-centrism has nothing whatever to do with a flat earth or a cheese moon, that is just a poor attempt to de-rail the arguments… logic doesn’t follow, and a poor argument technique. Also exceptionally wrong to ditch all of a man’s ideas based on one incorrect idea… Just askin to keep our minds un-biased by scientism… But alas… as Mr. Dawkin’s says…’s just a chance Universe, no?
Actually, it is PERFECTLY ok to say that the sun rotates about the earth. You can even use this model to predict the time of sunrise and sunset. Which rotates about which is only a choice of reference. If you use the sun as the reference, i.e. if you were on the sun, you will see that the earth rotates about the sun. Likewise, on earth we see that the sun rotates about the earth. The problem with earth-center is its failure to explain the motion of other planets. Other planets do not rotate about the earth. But sun “does” rotate about the earth.
One may say correctly that the sun rotates about the earth and other planets rotate about the sun. Yes, this is correct. However, this model involves two reference systems: the earth and the sun. This is difficult for simplton to understand the celestial movement. This is even more so for one attempting to transform the planet motion from one reference system to another. Nevertheless, this model and concept is correct.
The model becomes simple if the sun is used as the only reference. All planets rotate about the sun.
The universe is always expanding thanks to the so called black holes so is there really a center that is never shifting ? No…blah blah blah. No one will ever know so go live life and forget about this.
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