Both shows are archived at
Catholic Connections: 8:00-10:00 AM Eastern Time
Topics and guests for Catholic Connections 1) Gail Buckley of Catholic Scripture Study International; 2) Jim Owens of Christopher Leadership Course; 3) Andrew Jones who is making Catholic Bible Study software at Logos Bible Software, and 4) Dr. Michael Barber biblical scholar and professor.
Catholic Answers Live: 7:00-8:00 PM Eastern
Topic for Catholic Answers Live is “Keeping Dust Off Your Bible”. I will list the questions I answer on Saturday and next Tuesday will have the link to listen on-line or download as MP3.
Questions I Answered on Catholic Answers Live:
1) How can I find a guide for Old Testament study?
2) What Bible do you recommend?
3) Is there confusion among Protestants because of the many Bible translations?
4) Why were the Gospels written in Greek and not in Aramaic, the language of Jesus and the Jews?
5) Which is better the RSV or the NAB or the Orthodox Study Bible?
6) Are there Bible studies that are more life-application based?
7) With all the Bible commentaries and study books available, doesn’t it just make it as complex as all the traditions around the Mosaic Law?
8) Why is there no text for some verses of the Bible?
2 Radio Shows Friday: Fill in for Teresa Tomeo & Catholic Answers Live
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