Cowards Among Us: Gary Sinise ("Leiutenant Dan") and Bret Baier (Fox News) Succumb to Gay Bullies and the LGBT

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Gary Sinise of CSI is now the bullied, not the hero

Word is now circulating around the Catholic world that conservative hero Gary Sinise, along with Fox News anchor Bret Baier, both publicly professed faithful Catholics, cancelled their appearances at a Legatus Summit at the last minute under pressure from the LGBT crowd. …

There exists a highly organized cadre of LGBT activists whose job it is to monitor the American people for any deviance from what is approved thought and speech. But more than monitor, their job is rather like advanced scouts so that other LGBTs may then move in to target and punish. Their influence is pernicious, wicked and frankly un-American.

The body count continues to rise.

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It's hard to watch him now and take him seriously

There are all those people who were exposed as donors to the Proposition 8 campaign. Many lost their jobs when LGBTs forced their names into the open. The most famous of these is Brendan Eich, who for a few weeks was CEO of Mozilla Firefox but had to step down under LGBT pressure because he supported the right of Californians to decide the definition of marriage.

Most recently, the fire chief of Atlanta was fired for stating his belief that homosexual behavior is immoral. There are many more who have lost their jobs, and more who self-censor, simply shut up out of fear.

Bullies are shaping the discourse in America. It is not wise to let the bullies be in control You can read the whole Crisis Magazine article HERE.
