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This Post Has 4 Comments
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We went on the September 2016 Tour of Mercy to the Holy land with Steve Ray and his wife. It was a blast and very eye opening. I thought I wasn’t interested in seeing the Holy land in order to enhance my faith.. I was very wrong. Saying the Rosary now comes to life for me. My wife and I are now saving to bring our children with us. I’ve included a link to all the pictures I took during our Pilgrimage. Please feel free to visit our album. The password is listed above.
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I am happy for Luis Gorres. I also do not fall for pilgrimage to the Holy Land as I feel the annual retreats and sessions suffice for my personal spiritual growth. Aside from my busy ministry. But having seen the album of the Holy land I am beginning to think differently.
STEVE RAY HERE: Having taken many 1000s to the Holy Land, many of them reluctant at first, I can attest to the power of the experience when the Land reaches out an grabs you. I would love to share the Land of our Lord and Lady with you — showing you our favorite places in the world!!
I am considering the suggestion. Thank you. However one questions; What is the favourite time (months) for making a pilgrimage to the Holy Land?
This is a hard question to answer since every time of year has its advantages and disadvantages. Some months of the days are shorter but also cooler and not so hot. Sometimes the crowds are larger But nowadays it seems that every month is absolutely full of pilgrims and tourists. It is best to find a date that works with your schedule and send me an e-mail at if you need to but we would love to show you this beautiful land.