Everywhere we go in the Philippines the young people really sing. They are beautiful and sing like angels. I just spoke at small parish church on the island of Boracay. There were about 150 people, most of them young. What fun I had sharing with them.

Then the lights went out — a brown out! All of a sudden I was standing at the podium in complete darkness. HELLO — anyone out there?

Tim Staples, Janet and I, along with our friend Alex Tan and our hosts Rommie and Melanie Chan took some time off today for some fun. We sped around the China Sea on inflatable Banana tubes pulled by speed boats.

After we kept climbing out of the ocean for another run, we went parasailing for the first time in our lives. Nice to relax a bit and catch on sleep. Tim has a full day tomorrow and I do a Bible class in the evening.

More later. (This was written on my handheld Pocket PC — I love technology!)
