Now that our family has grown and moved out — and we travel a lot, we sold our “family-raising house” two years ago and remodeled a cozy little “retirement house” just for the two of us.
One room we call the “Rosary Room” which has beautiful paintings of the Rosary on the wall — with distinctly Jewish images. Each evening we retire to this room to pray the Rosary.
Since the Rosary is very biblical — a meditation on the life of Jesus, Mary and the Gospel — we decided to cite the Scripture passage as we begin each Mystery.
Here are the passages that I chose, emphasizing the Gospel of Luke. I hope you and your family can also add this practice to your daily Rosary and challenge the kids to shout out the Scripture passage before each Mystery.
JOYFUL (Monday and Saturday)
1st Annunciation Luke 1:26-38
2nd Visitation Luke 1:39-45
3rd Nativity Luke 2:1-21
4th Presentation Luke 2:22-38
5th Finding Jesus Luke 2:41
LUMINOUS (Thursday)
1st Baptism Luke 3:21-22
2nd Cana John 2:1-11
3rd Proclamation Matt 5—7
4th Transfiguration Luke 9:28-36
5th Eucharist Luke 22:14-23
SORROWFUL (Tuesday and Friday)
1st Gethsemane Luke 22:39-46
2nd Scourging John 19:1
3rd Crown of Thorns John 19:2
4th Carries Cross John 19:17
5th Jesus dies John 19:17-37
GLORIOUS (Wednesday and Sunday)
1st Resurrection John 20:1-10
2nd Ascension Acts 1:9
3rd Pentecost Acts 2:1-4
4th Assumption CCC 966
5th Coronation 1 Kings 2:19; Rev 12:1