The film focuses mainly on that challenging journey to faith for Long, with a gritty and powerful performance by Mark Wahlberg, as well as by Mel Gibson who plays his father, an equally rough character. The film is getting a lot of advance rave reviews in the Catholic world, though it is R-rated due to the bad language, which underscores the life and behavior of Long – and his father – before both of their conversions.
Wahlberg, a practicing Catholic, heard about the story of Fr. Stu Long from a priest he knows, and after more research about Fr. Stu, he was so inspired by it that he decided to have a movie made about Fr. Stu, and put up all, or most, of the money to make it.
Arroyo interview
Movie Website & Film Trailer
Article in The Pillar
This Post Has One Comment
Do they use the name of the Lord in vain? Any G.D.s or misuse of the name Jesus? I’ve asked people on FB, but they either say nothing, they don’t remember, or maybe. I don’t get a firm yes or no.
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