Tonight I will join Jerry Usher for the second day in a row (last Friday) on Catholic Answers Live. Today we will discuss St. Paul & Divisions in Christianity. You can listen on-line here. Click here to find ways to listen to this show on iPods, MP3 or more.
I started out by talking about what the Church is, how it was viewed by the apostles and the early Church. We discussed the symbolism of Peter dragging in the net and how it represents the Church with a tear containing one from every tribe, tongue and people.


Topic: St. Paul & Divided Christianity

What about the non-Pauline churches, those established by Matthew, Thomas, Andrew and the others?
Why did Paul and others say there must be divisions among Christians?
In light of Jesus’ prayer for unity, how can we help bring Christians together–through pro-life activity, etc.? Can we hope to reach everyone?
The King James Version only: why is this idea wrong and how does it cause divisions?
I am studying the book of Acts and find that Peter and Paul had a disagreement or two. What was the background and did it mean they did not get along?
My wife is a non-denominationalist and I am a Catholic. She says we are all part of the body of Christ and all that is important is that we love Jesus. How should I respond?
