I will join Sean Herriott and Wendy Wiese on Morning Air to answer the following questions on Mary . . .

. . . since May is the Month of Mary and I just returned from Mary's House in Ephesus and go back again next week. So LET"S TALK!

1. Why did Mary live in Ephesus, and where is Ephesus? 
2. How do we know Mary lived in Ephesus?

   To learn about our DVD Mary, Mother of God, click on the image

3. How did they find Mary's House?
4. Do only Christians visit Mary's House?
5. Does the Church sanction this teaching?
6. Where, and how did Mary live while in Ephesus?
7. Did Mary die and if so, where?
8. How old was Mary when she died or fell asleep–dormition?
9. How does the Church officially define this end of Mary's life?
10. Has anyone ever found physical remains or relics of Mary?  Why is this significant?
11. Where is Mary now: Protestant view and Catholic view?
12. What about the Assumption? Where do you find that in the Bible?
13. What happened in Ephesus in 431 AD that had a great impact on Marian teaching?
14. Why does Steve call Turkey "The 2nd Holy Land"?
