I just checked Jimmy Akin's blog and he said exactly what I was going to write so I will just quote him:

"Just a note to let folks know why blogging has been so slow this week. Basically, I've been getting ready for the Catholic Answers pilgrimage/cruise that will be happening during the next two weeks. This involves not only preparation for the trip itself but also getting work and other stuff done that can't wait till I get back. I've been so swamped the last few days that I haven't had time to blog."

 We just got back from over two weeks of filming and as now, jet lag just begins to fade, we will kick start it again. Blogging will be slow next two weeks to because it costs 75 cents a minute to connect to the internet aboard the HollandAmerica ships. I will try to keep the blog updated from my handheld while in the ports.
