Another great day with marvelous weather, fantastic pilgrims, a sumptuous itinerary and deeply spiritual experience. We started with Mass at Gethsemane – one of the most moving sites for many people.
Here is Msgr. Droll’s homily at Gethsemane 713_0029

Then we prayed at the Western Wall where I explained the history and shared some interesting stories. Mount Zion is a highlight for the Jews and also for Christians.
It is here that Mary “fell asleep” or had her dormition. We visited the Abbey of the Dormition and then went to the Upper Room. This is the most special place for priests and four of the seven sacraments are directly related to this room.
After this we had a great lunch at the Ramat Rachel Kibbutz with Bethlehem out the huge windows. Next was one of my favorite talks – a 30-minute “Story of Salvation History from Adam and Eve until Today” with the whole backdrop right before our eyes at the lookout point of the Promenade.

We ended the day with a visit the the Church of the Visitation where I gave my talk on “Mary, the Ark of the New Covenant.” After this everyone had 2 1/2 hours free before dinner and a free evening. What a great day!
This Post Has One Comment
Pat and Tom (or Mom and Dad)
We are glad to see you are having a great trip
We can not wait to hear more about it at Thanksgiving. We love you and we wish the best for the rest of your trip!
Caitlin and Josh
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