Canon Lawyer Ed Peter’s writes:
Initial remarks on the Zurek-Pavone dispute –
As materials came available today in regard to dispute between Bp. Zurek and Fr. Pavone, I posted three brief sets of observations HERE
Summary of my posts on the Zurek-Pavone conflict
I did not want to bother blog subscribers and RSS followers with numerous notices generated by separate posts on the Zurek-Pavone matter, so I simply added updates (as developments warranted) to the original post. Now I see that some readers and followers wished they had gotten notice of those follow-up posts. My bad.
My six sets of comments on this unfortunate situation are all available here, and include the following:
1. Comments on Zurek’s letter to Pavone, and Pavone’s response to Zurek.
2. Comments on Pavone’s comments to the National Catholic Register.
3. Comments on Pavone’s letter to prelates of September 12.
4. Discussion as to whether Priests for Life is a “private association of the faithful”.
5. Comments on Pavone’s statement upon arrival in Amarillo.
6. Comments on Msgr. Waldow’s claims regarding Church property.
