We spent the evening with angels! Well, not really angels in the strict biblical sense, but certainly in the more popular sense. Just listen to them sing and laugh and pray; watch them glide across the floor, smile with joy, and demonstrate the love of Christ and tell me they don't sound  and appear as angels. These are the Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist.

Where's Steve and Janet? Click on the picture for a larger image.

These are not average women. These are bright, educated (many professionals), intelligent, determined women with a mission. They are a very impressive and formidable group.

Tonight Mother Assumpta Long invited Janet and I to show our new DVD "Apostolic Fathers, Handing on the Faith." It was a wonderful evening and as always it was a blessing to be with these wonderful and focused women.

They laughed and applauded and seemed to genuinely love the movie. The DVDs will be for sale late in September but I have a rough draft dub of the edit copy which I was able to show them for a Mini-World Premier. They commented on how there was nothing else like it, how full of information and fun it was, and how the blessing of God is certainly on the project.
