It is announced today the Pope Francis will bring back 12 Syrian refugees from Greece to the Vatican — all Muslims. Why Muslims Pope Francis, why not Christians? 

Imagine you are a Christian family who has suffered in a Muslim country, suffered horribly for Jesus Christ and the Church. The Pope comes to your refugee camp where your family has lost everything for the Faith. He greets you all and then takes 12 Muslims back to the Vatican, leaving the Christians behind. 

What kind of message does that send to the suffering Christians in the Middle East, suffering under the persecution of Muslims?


This Post Has 40 Comments

  1. nthony RAnieri

    Makes you really wonder if may have a point.
    I really have a problem with Pope Francis. Feed the poor, okay, but we ought to be in a crusade against the people who are killing Christians. Why not save our own?

  2. Suzanne Beck

    We should’ve careful criticizing Popr Francis. 1 Chrinickes 16:22 and Ps 105 both warn; “Touch not my anointed ones, do my prophets no harm!”
    STEVE RAY HERE. Understood. But Pope’s are not belong criticism and I neither touched nor harmed him. I am questioning his lack of prudence as the leader of world Christianity.

  3. Jan H

    Hi Steve,
    I understand your point. I searched right away for instances where Pope Francis has helped Christian families and got a hit in Sept. 2015 where he housed Syrian families and asked all parishes to do the same. Could this be his way of outreach to show Christ’s love to the poor, regardless of their background? Also, my second thought was, how can we all help Christian refugees? I am in Ks but would love to help somehow. Could you direct us to some good opportunities? Thank you for all you do.
    God bless

  4. Janet Baker

    Steve, can you edit in a comma after the word Muslims in the title? Otherwise the title is hard to understand.
    Suzanne is right that we should be careful in our language regarding the Holy Father, because there are so many forces who love to criticize his authority, but I think your tone was respectful enough.

  5. Jurinne

    Popes have been rebuked in the past and rightfully so. Peter was rebuked. Pope Francis is the Vicar of Christ and sits on the Chair of Peter. He is also a human being who sins and makes mistakes.

  6. Amy

    I understand that they may be difficult for the Christian Syrians. But let’s think this through. Suffering is awful. But what happens to those Christians who may suffer and die? They go to Heaven. When we have Christ, he will raise us up. He will cover us.
    Muslims, on the other hand, do not have Christ. How amazing would it be if we looked at this and said “wow, the love and mercy that the Pope just showed those 12 Muslims is incredible. THAT may be the reason that they see the love of Christ, and eventually believe He is the Messiah.” Although I think it’s awful to have to choose between people in a refugee camp, we should always choose the Muslims because they still need a chance during this lifetime to believe in the Gospel and recognize Christ as their Savior.
    Furthermore, the world may need to see Catholics extending a hand to people of other faiths. That they may recognize that Christians care about ALL humans, that the love of Christ is for all who will accept it.
    So yes, if I were one of those Syrian Christians who was not chosen, I would be furious. But I would turn to Christ and keep hoping that HE will rescue me and that HIS WILL should be done in my life. Knowing that if I suffer, though I don’t want to, I will stay close to the Lord and He will not forsake me.
    STEVE RAY HERE: Sorry, I do t mean to be rude or offensive but I find your reasoning weak and wrong. What he did was wrong and I find no way or reason to condone or justify it.

  7. Bette Dean

    Thank you Steve for your powerful insight and wisdom. The Holy Father was lacking in judgement in this decision…perhaps he needs to surround himself with new advisors …. clearly this was ill-advised.

  8. James McDonald

    I’m with you Steve. Although I’m not one of those who wants to see hin dethroned. I just want him to shut his mouth. Before him the only Pope I’ve known ad a Catholic is Benedict. Did I just get spoiled? I really miss him.

  9. James McDonald

    And Anthony. Have you watch this guy’s videos? He’s a nut job.

  10. Savio

    Dear Steve,
    I have the greatest respect for you and for the work you do. But as a cradle catholic studying to be a priest, my perspectives do differ a bit from yours.
    In my reading of many conversion stories, from fundamentalist Christianity to Catholicism, I observe that most converts, and quite naturally so, bring to Catholicism the same approach that they had before converting. Therefore, permit me to say that we see things not as they are, but always as we are. After all we are products of all our experiences, including faith experiences and conditioning.
    I understand your pain with the Holy Father’s decision. But when I read your comments, “I find no way or reason to condone or justify it”, well that begins to worry me. Its like one putting himself/herself on the judgment seat and you, with your immense learning, know better than me what the Lord says on that.
    My mind just goes back to St. Francis of Assisi who went to the Muslims in love, unlike the brave crusaders who all in good faith, yet unconsciously, surely shed so much innocent blood. If our God is a God of love then what better way to show lived-faith by opening your heart to those who persecute you.
    The gross atrocities are committed by terrorists and we have had terrorists from different faiths along history, Christianity included. These crimes stem from a fundamentalist approach and hence I would not like to generalize and label all Muslims just because in this era, a certain section of them in the name of their faith are inflicting persecution on so many innocents. The reality is that there is so much lack of awareness there.
    Besides, these refugees are also equally victims. I see the Holy Father sending a powerful message of love. He is reaching out and conveying to the real terrorists who always remain hidden i.e. Love in Christ has no boundaries and no limitations. He is teaching them – though you kill in the name of your religion, I still love you and am willing to accept your people. Such a love can only come when one experiences the unconditional love of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    In this year of mercy, perhaps that is the best lesson for us all – that MERCY knows no bounds and that we are all in need of humility that we might receive the much needed Grace for a continual conversion of heart.
    God bless you wonderful work and ministry!
    Peace and love in Christ Jesus,
    STEVE RAY HERE: Thanks for kind words and thanks for your pursuit of priesthood. I think you are very incorrect on your views of Islam and Christians have never practiced terrorism in the indiscriminate slaughter of innocents. Not sure where you get some of this stuff unless you are being instructed by the liberal leftovers from the 60’s. Check out what Aquinas had to say about Islam. Sorry this is brief but I’m on the run and respect you greatly for your direction in life and love for Our Lord.

  11. Christopher Forte

    This is merely a political move, like most of the Holy Father’s words and actions. He is trying to placate Muslim authorities in Islamic-ruled lands to protect the Christian minorities there. At least, that is all I can rationally conclude with all his Muslim-outreaches and “ecumenism.”

  12. Jose Kavi

    Love for Enemies
    43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[i] and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

  13. Anton Croos

    Dear All,
    I see many criticisms on this regard.Some may have seen this act as politics but I leave no comments on them. I’m a Catholic. Sufferings for a Catholic or Christian is a test on their faith but I’m not sure how Muslims see it. But I do pray for Christians who need more courage and faith.
    If we do good for own people what it reflects. But Christians have rewards for their sufferings in Heaven if they really believe.
    So my point is, as Christians we have rewards for our sufferings but they don’t. So let us see this act in love and as act of love without selfishness.GOD BLESS YOU…
    I can even comprehend this kind of thinking. Sorry. Muslims think us weak and easy to manipulate. Such things do cause them to think we’ll of us. We are the infidelity. I could never sat to a fellow Christian, “I will help the Muslims because you have heaven and they don’t.” We should love our family and fight for them, not send the demoralizing message sent today.

  14. Vera

    Hi Steve
    I love ALL your work and ministry. I totally agree with you. I find that a big slap in the face for Christians. Sure if the pope wanted the world to see the love and mercy of Christianity, he should of taken half Christians and half Muslims. Very very upsetting.
    God bless always

  15. Bob

    Not sure why the Catholic Church chose a such a left leaning person as pope. I have a difficult time defending many of the things he says to my Protestant friends.

  16. Cindy

    I confess to not praying daily for the holy father, bishops and priests of the world, as I should. My bad. Steve, I share your confusion over some of the holy father’s statements and actions. I am concerned. I’ll make it a point to pray for him to not be delivered to the will of his enemies.
    Steve Ray here: thanks for your comments Cindy. However, it’s not confusion on my part it’s disappointment.

  17. Francis

    In this age of social media, I think that it’s ever more important to realize that we can be inadvertently drawn into the sin of detraction even the best intention. We don’t have all the information as to why and how Pope Francis picked three families from the refugee camp at Lesbos. Other news report indicated that the Pope wanted to make a gesture of welcome regarding refugees and that it was a last-minute collaborating effort between the Pope, the Greek and Italian Governments. The families were chosen “not because they were Muslim over Christian, but because they had their papers in order.” I’m quite sure that our Father in heaven is also impartial in dispensing his great mercy and love to all his children, Christian and non-Christian alike. We leave it to God to judge the interior motives and intents. So why all the harsh judgmental comments about Pope Francis? We need to respect leaders whom God has placed over us (Than.ks, S. Beck: 1 Ch 16:22 and Ps 105), to avoid spewing detraction especially backbiting so carelessly and bluntly. The foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom (and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength).

  18. Jothish Ben

    Steve, you are entitled to have your own opinion, but being a public figure, it would have been more appropriate if your opinion against the Pope was not put on your blog. This is the time when we all need to stand united and pray that our Pope is well guided by the Holy Spirit.
    STEVE RAY HERE: Public figures have every right and even obligation to praise when things are done well and to question when they think there is a misstep. My blog is partially for this reason. I will pray for the Pope to act wisely and question his words and actions when he does not. No one is above honest and prudent challenges.

  19. Fr. Daren J. Zehnle

    I asked the same question to myself and am a bit surprised the Holy See has not yet offered any commentary on this aspect of his humanitarian effort.

  20. Stefano

    Apparently not exactly what St Paul urged the Galatians to do
    “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all men, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” Gal6:10.
    But there may be specific reasons or things people don’t know that justified that kind of decision.
    As Benedict XVI said/wrote “Only in truth does charity shine forth”.

  21. TJ

    Hi Steve,
    In response to the Christian terrorism comment. Indeed if you count the Inquisitions, the Crusades, trials of ”witchcraft”, persecution of Jews by Christians in Europe etc, some figures estimate millions. Amongst Christians, we can include persecution of Quakers, we can include the murders of Protestants and Catholics between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, the mistreatment and deaths of First Nations (I’m thinking Canadian residential schools). Lastly killings done by pro-lifers against pro-abortion people and the killing of innocent homosexuals.
    Having said that, we must draw the distinction between Islam and terrorism committed by extreme Islamists. The people in the refugee camps are just as much victims of this terrorism, whether they be Christian or not.

  22. Claire C

    Would you publish this comment instead of the first please…
    In response to the Christian terrorism comment. If one counts the Inquisitions, the Crusaders, trials of ”witchcraft”, persecution of Jews by Christians in Europe etc, some figures estimate millions of innocent dead. Amongst Christians, we can include persecution of Quakers, the murders of Protestants and Catholics during Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland tensions, the mistreatment and deaths of First Nations (I’m thinking Canadian residential schools). Lastly killings done in the past century by pro-lifers against pro-abortion people and the killing of innocent homosexuals.
    Having said that, we must draw the distinction between Islam and terrorism committed by extreme Islamists. The people in the refugee camps are just as much victims of this terrorism, whether they be Christian or not.
    Lastly, although I think choosing Christian refugees might have seemed more natural, I think humans are all Children of God and equally deserving of mercy. Christ died for all humanity.
    In comments after the fact, he said he purposely didn’t plan of taking 3 families that were Muslim. Two Christian families didn’t have their paperwork in order.

  23. Caecus

    Are you an atheist Claire C? Your comment is reminiscent of Sam Harris, although at least Sam Harris does not have the liberal double-standard concerning Islam.

  24. Claire C

    Re Caecus: I’m a Roman Catholic in good standing with the Church (ie: attending confession, not in grave mortal sin, involved in the Music Ministry). But even the Holy Father and others before him, as well as many Catholic Scholars will agree that the Christian church is not without a turbulent past. In addition, Muslims are followers of the same God, and charity extends to all religions.
    STEVE RAY HERE: sorry, but Muslims and Christians do no worship the same God:

  25. Claire C

    Thank you Steve for both the links, which I have read. I now understand the concept that there are major doctrinal differences in the God as Christians know him and as Muslims would know him. I understand their rejection of the Trinity as a fundamental difference as well as the Loving Creator vs Master difference.
    I also leave you an article, what do you think of them ? Oh and I looked up the Lumen Gentium referenced in the article from the Cathechism.
    The Church’s relationship with Muslims. The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place among whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind’s judge on the last day (Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 841, quoting Lumen Gentium 16, November 21, 1964).

  26. Michael Poulin

    Pope Francis in his recent exhortation and Cardinal Schonborn say its now OK for unrepentant practicing homosexuals, fornicators, and those in adulterous “marriages” (which are now renamed from “mortal sin” to “irregular situations”) to receive the sacraments – meaning of course the Holy Eucharist. This is contrary to 2000 years of Catholic Church teaching, and the Holy Scriptures which both say the opposite. So it is my duty , and all Catholics to defend the Church’s Sacred Traditions when the hierarchy will not. To remain silent is to be complicit in this heresy.

  27. Jothish Ben

    Steve, if you wish, post this excerpt from Pope’s press conference on his way back from Lesbos.
    Franca Giansoldati (Il Messaggero): You speak much about welcoming, but perhaps you speak too little about integration. Seeing what is happening in Europe, where there’s this massive influx of immigrants, we see that there are many cities that suffer from ghetto sectors. … In all of this, it emerges that Muslim immigrants are those who have the most difficult time integrating themselves with our values, Western values. … Wouldn’t it be more useful to favor the immigration of Christian immigrants? And why did you favor three entirely Muslim families?
    Pope Francis: I didn’t make a religious choice between Christians and Muslims. These three families had their documents in order. There were, for example, two Christian families who didn’t. This is not a privilege. All 12 of them are children of God. It’s a privilege to be a child of God. For what regards integration … you said a word which in current culture seems to be forgotten, but after war still exists: the ghettos. And some of the terrorists are children and grandchildren of people born in European countries, and what has happened? There was no policy of integration. And this, for me, is fundamental. In the post-synodal apostolic exhortation, integration is spoken of. One of the three pastoral dimensions for families in difficulty is integration into society. Today, Europe must take up again this capacity that it has always had: to integrate. With integration, Europe’s culture is enriched. I think that we need an education — a lesson — on a culture of integration.
    Read more:

  28. Caecus

    The key is, they ‘profess’ to hold the faith of Abraham. The Church doesn’t claim that they actually do. According to Islam, Abraham was a Muslim, but the Jews distorted the Old Testament. Likewise, Jesus was only a prophet who didn’t die on the cross, and the Christians again distorted his message. Muhammad is claimed to be ‘the seal of the prophets’ who restored the original Islam through the Quran which Allah, learning from his previous experiences, preserved from corruption. Islam therefore engages in revisionism.

  29. Ted

    Hi Steve
    You are right and don’t listen some of the people here.
    Actually it started on Vatican Council 2 -Lumen Gentium
    “But the plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator. In the first place amongst these there are the Muslims, who, professing to hold the faith of Abraham, along with us adore the one and merciful God, who on the last day will judge mankind.”
    Church open its self to the people and this is effect. Aggiornamento is actually ongoing process, people are changing so church must keep changing too.
    Please listen what father Stransky who participated in SV2 says about it
    Are you ready for Tridentine Mass?

  30. George

    @Caecus, Can a Christian be called a Christian if he does not hold on to the teachings of Jesus even if he preaches about Him? No. If he does contradictory things to what Jesus teaches, he is not a Christian. Similarly, the Muslims may claim themselves to have come from Abraham and profess the same God Abraham professed but does contradictory things to the teachings of Abraham’s God, that is Jesus.
    Don’t try to justify Islam, nothing good for humanity can come about from it unless you yourself is a follower of it. What good is in it if that religion does not propagate peace outside its religion? Can’t you see for yourself in middle East how other religions have suffered on account of Islam. Is it a religion of peace? Even a murderer is at Peace with his brother. But is murderer a good human being? The same logic follows with them. Look! who the islam follower is not sympathetic about the terrorists who kills in the name of their religion? Everyone of them will say, you deserve that punishment for speaking ill of our religion and then they will praise their god. Therefore, killing human being is a form of worship(pleasing God) in their religion.
    This practice does not go in line with God of Abraham.

  31. Chris

    Hi Steve
    Exactly what crimes have these 12 Muslims including 6 children committed against Christians? Are they guilty of having persequeted anybody that you or anybody else knows?  What would Jesus have done? Would He have insisted that only His followers be saved and walked away empty handed? Didn’t  St Paul persequet the early Church yet he was chosen by Christ to convert the Gentiles. Should we rebuke Christ for having chosen the equal of a leader of ISIS?  How many were given a chance of salvation through Christ’s decision to chose an enemy of His Church over those Christians who also suffered horribly for Jesus Christ and His Church? Perhaps millions? Billions even?
    God’s representative on earth inspired by the Holy Spirit (*Pope Francis: “..It was an inspiration from a week ago that I immediately accepted, because I saw that it was the Holy Spirit who was speaking”..), has not for the first time in history made a choice against the better judgement of some of its members for a purpose unknown but unto God. If that decision only results in the conversion of one who needs to repent rather than the Christians left behind who do not need to repent according to God’s Holy Word there will be rejoicing heaven (Luke 15:7). Amen!
    STEVE RAY HERE: You missed my point completely. You may want to read it again.

  32. Chris

    You mean this point Steve?…
    Steve Ray: “Why Muslims…What kind of message does that send to the suffering Christians in the Middle East, suffering under the persecution of Muslims?”
    Me: “…Didn’t St Paul persequet the early Church yet he was chosen by Christ to convert the Gentiles. Should we rebuke Christ for having chosen the equal of a leader of ISIS?…”
    Why a Roman? What kind of message was Jesus sending to the suffering Christians in the Middle East, suffering under the persecution of Rome?
    What other than your point made at the conclusion did I COMPLETELY miss pray tell Steve?
    God Bless!
    STEVE RAY HERE: The difference between the two seems quite clear to me. When Jesus called Saul of Tarsus there was a conversion that took place. Saul of Tarsus looked to Jesus and said “Who Are You Lord?” He recognized Jesus as Lord and was very soon after baptized and then began to preach Christianity.
    Nor can you compare Paul’s actions with ISIS. Islamic law teaches that everyone, even innocent people be terrorized and destroyed in the name of Allah if the don’t convert to Islam. This is not Christian nor Jewish. ISIS cannot be compared as an equivalent with either one.
    But if Jesus calls the leader of a Muslim group, they repent are baptized and become believers in Jesus Christ, then yes, that would be a good thing and very different from what the Pope did.
    If the Muslims want to convert the same way then the situation you propose would be much more parallel and make sense.
    Lastly, St. Paul was a Jew, not a pagan Roman. He was a pharisee, a Hebrew from the Tribe of Benjamin. He was a citizen of Rome, but not a Roman.

  33. Chris

    Jesus jumped in and rescued St.Paul on the road to Damascus before he was converted. Twelve Muslims are rescued by the Pope before they are converted. There is no clear difference that I can see up to this point? Except of course that Jesus is God and the Pope Francis is Christ’s Vicar here on earth, acting under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Please help me out here?
    What you appear to be suggesting is that nobody should have been rescued as no Christians were allowed to leave through no fault of the Vatican. One Christian family left behind because their papers were not in order although disappointed said ‘We’re happy for the families that went of course’, which is a truly charitable thing to say God Bless them! Muslim family’s who were chosen described being those who are being forced to fight and kill or be killed by the Assad regime. These were not people who were terrorizing and destroying Christians or anybody else in the name of Allah if they don’t convert to Islam. They fled Islam rather than fight a war that they do not believe in and are completely innocent of terrorizing or killing anybody.
    If you came across two people who were drowning but can only save one, one is a Christian the other a Muslim, who do you save? Pope Francis jumped in and saved three innocent family’s. He couldn’t get to the other family’s perhaps he should have done nothing and let them all drown?
    God Bless!
    STEVE RAY HERE WITH MY LAST RESPONSE: You are blowing this way out of proportion. No one is saying we should not help innocent and persecuted Muslims, but in the situation with the Pope he made the wrong decision and disappointed many of us. You are blowing my comments way out of proportion and your mentioning of St. Paul has nothing whatsoever to do with my original points. Sorry to be honest, but …

  34. Amy

    Earlier you said you found my reasoning weak and wrong. If you can find a logical fallacy in my argument, please point it out.
    On that note, I see no logic in your original blog post whatsoever, nor in the further comments you made. You say what he did was wrong and provide zero scriptural proof to make that conclusion. You have this attitude of “I’ve made up my mind and don’t care to change it thankyouverymuch.”
    Be humble, Steve. Perhaps it’s not you who has all the answers and perhaps Francis is Pope because God wants him there.
    I have love and respect for what you do, but your attitude reeks of anger and flippant annoyance. This can’t be the attitude of someone exercising wisdom, discernment, and critical thinking over a complex issue.

  35. Amy

    PS I wanted to mention that I did NOT find your earlier comment rude or offensive. I am a fan and I know that you love the Lord (and your brothers and sisters in Christ) very much.


    STEVE, I HEARD that Vatican City had no choice about the Syrian refugees, or rather could not choose because they were chosen for them, by the UN.

  37. M

    Francis is a cloying media hound. Perhaps, after decades of anti-Catholic media assaults, both deserved (sex scandals) and undeserved (“Hitler’s Pope”; DaVinci Code idiocy; superficial ridicule), Francis means well in his craven “virtue signaling”, or, as I suspect, Francis is a superficial thinker who wants to devalue doctrine and philosophizing per se. Either way, I detest the man. He is smug and boring. I think back to his dumb smile when the Bolivian politician gave Francis a crucifix shaped like a Soviet hammer and cycle. Of all the stupid media sandbagging of my lifetime, that takes it–and Francis just looks like Forrest Gump. Yuck. It makes me want to boycott Church.

  38. Eshban

    You are 100% right my friend everything is only for media attention nothing else Christians have not to rely on the leaders.

  39. Lisa Lisette

    Adolf Hitler admired Islam for it militancy and way of coersion. He HATED Christianity for he saw it as a religion of the weak. He did not admire Jesus.
    He admired Mohammed.
    I think the liberal left with their nice little intentions really lack in reasonining, critical thinking, and a good old dose of reality.
    “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
    ? Marcus Tullius Cicero
    –Muslims are doing well because they enenmy is within the West supporting them. I see even by the people who comment here, though by nice intention, really are being anti Christian.

  40. kevin Bindar

    Why Muslims in Vatican and not Christians? Why not! Church organizations tasked with aiding refugees have aided refugees regardless of religion. And refugees from the war-ravaged places in the Middle East are mostly Muslim. Pope Francis taking in Muslim refugees is sending a message: Christianity makes no religious distinction among those who need saving. He is expressing his respect of the different spiritual ways people receive God's grace.That's one point. Secondly, I speculate that in the light of mass conversions of refugees to Christianity, the pope is saying that there is no need to disavow one's religion because 50% of those fleeing ISIS will do so to increase their chances of being given asylum and, eventually, residential status. Third, as a gesture of contrition and conciliation the historic wrongs that the Church inflicted on the Islamic world — mass murders — in the era of the Crusades. Calling Pope Francis a 'coward' despite his two encyclicals — one against advanced capitalism and, two, its corollary, the relentless destruction of 'Mother Nature' (St. Francis' words) — is truly stupid. Those encylicals put him in greater danger than any other pope in this century and the last.

    STEVE RAY HERE: Whereas I disagree with most of what you say and assert here, I allow the post for open discussion.

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