
This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. john

    Such a welcoming, Christian outlook. I can just picture Jesus saying the exact same thing.

  2. Bill912

    Yeah, john! How dare those Poles take steps to defend their people! Why aren’t they committing national suicide?

  3. Lew

    Western Christian Europe should protect its women. Bringing all these immigrants into their countries harms them in so many ways. From the most heinous acts imaginable.

    I love the church and I want it to protect our European women form evil. Why allow wolves to freely harm the sheep?

    Why doesn’t the Vatican protect the innocent?
    Lord help us!

  4. Donald Link

    Two things to note: The Poles have largely been faithful to the Church and are certainly favored for this. The Poles have also learned from bitter history, something some other countries have failed to do and are now paying the price.

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