
This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Tom Govern

    Love this! Got to share it on facebook.

  2. Darrel

    This is a remarkable video by Fr. Claude Burns–it was created in response to a video produced by a young, mixed-up and ill-informed charismatic who believes in “just me and Jesus”. The original video foolishly bashes the idea of organized religion, and portrays the Church as something evil.–you can see it here:

    Being from the south side of Chicago, Fr. Burns was just the right person to respond to this “hip” and modern style of messaging. His video mimics the style of the original, and answers the young man’s untruths point-by-point. If you pay careful attention, you will see and hear the brilliance of Fr. Claude’s message. I just hope young viewers are more persuaded by the response than by the original.

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