
This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. JoAnne McCormack

    Wow. That was great. I always say that God doesn’t make mistakes. Some people call me intolerant and others agree with me. The ones who call me intolerant don’t believe in the Bible or God’s Law. The ones who agree with me, believe in God, the Bible and His laws. It is as simple as that. I will do my best to obey God’s Law, not man’s. I do not dislike or hate people because they are transgender. If they feel they must change their sex, that is their privilege. But please do not push it down my throat, or push it on children, or call me intolerant or a bigot because I do not agree with you. We are all God’s children. However, it is time to stop the insanity the left has pushed on the rest of us. Don’t like my opinion? Tough. Get over it. Their opinion is not more important than mine. I will pray for them as I try my best to pray for anyone.
    May God again Bless our country, but I don’t think He will until we repent as a nation. We have broken our Covenant with Him. Please pray.

    STEVE RAY HERE: Well said! Absolutely agree!

  2. Bill912

    Some people have 2 x-chromosomes; the SCIENCE of Biology tells us that these people are female. Some people have 1 x-chromosome and 1 y-chromosome; the SCIENCE of Biology tells us that these people are male.

    Some people are just anti-science.

    STEVE RAY HERE: we’ll said with pithy irony.

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