These were two tough guys who had an impact on our lives and we should know them — even though they lived two thousand years ago. Today is their feast day so take a few minutes and get re-acquainted! First by listening to my interview on Relevant Radio with Sean Herriott at 7 AM today (or later in their archives) and by reading the articles below.
I wrote articles on each of them and here is how each begins.
TIMOTHY: Standing out from the crowd has its price and that price often entails difficult tasks. Timothy was chosen for such a task—the job of fixing the problems in the church at Ephesus, the 4th largest city in the Roman Empire. But Paul knew that Timothy’s weaknesses were as apparent as his strengths: he was still young (1 Tim 4:2), he was timid and nervous (2 Tim 1:7ff), probably very shy, and he had a weak stomach (1 Tim 5:23).
To read the whole story of Timothy, click here and here.
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TITUS: “Paul had few kind words for the Cretans. Not many today could get away with his “politically incorrect” words. Paul that the “Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons” (Tit 1:12). The Cretans had a reputation—their corruption was proverbial. “The Cretans,” said Polybius (200 bc), “on account of their innate avarice, live in a perpetual state of private quarrel and public feud and civil strife … and you will hardly find anywhere characters more tricky and deceitful than those of Crete”. They were so notorious that the Greeks coined a verb kr?tizein, to cretize, which meant to lie and to cheat. Paul gives Titus no small job—convert them—“rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith” (Tit 1:13). The epistle is replete with exhortations for self-control and restraint. Titus really had his work cut out for him.
To read more about Titus, click here
