If you vote in Michigan be SURE to vote NO on Proposal 3 which is the most wicked legislation ever devised, which will kill babies up until the moment of birth, and remove all protections for those who defend life.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. LuAnnBurgett

    O Michigan, evil approaches our pleasant land
    In the form of writing by a maleficent hand
    Proposal 3 is worse than it seems
    When understood it will haunt your dreams
    How did we come to set such a stage?
    Shall we kill babies whatever their age?
    Shall children choose surgery without parental consent?
    Shall “Surgery Centers” and normal health standards be rent?
    Yes, something wicked this way comes
    It lies and it murders and numbs
    Our State Constitution is right and just
    A “NO” vote on 3 is really a must
    Pure Michigan be the safe haven you are
    Be not craven but say, “Too far,too far, too far.
    LuAnn Burgett

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