Someone wrote to me last week;

Thanks for replying to my comment.  A question for you.  You said to us, and I've heard you say it to others, that the Catholic church "needs" people like us.  By that I assume the people "like us" would be committed Protestant converts, much like your family was. 

My question is, Why?  I feel like we have been floundering and flailing for years now, trying to "get it right" and—at least for us—the "sola scriptura" experiment has failed.  If anything I would say that the people like us need the Catholic Church, rather than the other way around.  What can Protestants who have 1500 years to catch up on have to offer the Church?  I look forward to your thoughts, and I think other people would be interested, too. 

I responded:

What I meant by "the Church needing people like you" is this. People like you (and me) have been out in the Protestant world and have learned a lot. We have experiences and knowledge that is very valuable for Catholics. Many Catholics are second, third, forth . . . generation Catholics. Like Americans that have lived here through multiple generations they get "used to" the wonders and riches in the Church. An immigrant coming to America is full of wonder, experiences and gifts to help us Americans who have lost the appreciation.

Like these new immigrants who often make better Americans that us old-timers, converts to the Cathalic Church often make the best Catholics. You are full of enthusiasm. You love the Bible and the Spirit. You know the need for the Spirit but have now learned the need for legitimate authority.

You have experiences and wisdom and knowledge that brings fresh life and joy to the Church. There are now thousands upon thousands of Protestants converting to the Catholic Church — many of them ministers and pastors of from Protestantism. The Church is going through a marvelous reformation and revival, a purification and sanctification.

Brothers and sisters like you (and my family) bring great gifts and confirmation to the Catholics who have been here all along but who may not have known how blessed they are. Cradle Catholics are coming alive and the Church is like a sleeping giant awakening — in part by the influence of people like you who join us. There is MUCH for you to do — much work to be done!

We need you! We want you to join us and help get more and more people to find the fullness of the faith! Plus, for you it will be your greatest joy to discover or re-discover this great pearl. When converts discover this pearl they never look back.
